John Nixdorf
Former columnist for
Practical Homeschooling Magazine.
John has been helping his wife Cindy homeschool their five children for over 15 years. For most of that time he's been an elder at his church, and heavily involved in Christian Education (mainly grades 4-8, but also including adults). His day job is technical writing and developing computer training programs. His current excursion into life on the edge has been starting a Boy Scout Troop (now into its third year). Dissatisfied with the results from, and effects of, youth ministry on his oldest child, several years ago John undertook to learn everything he could about youth ministry. Currently John and Cindy have opted for the "do it yourself" route.
Homeschooling Articles by John Nixdorf
What About Youth Group? John Nixdorf takes you on an insider's tour of youth group ministries. Learn how to evaluate how useful your church youth group will (or won't) be to your teen's Christian life.