Homeschool World Contact Form
ADVERTISERS: If you are looking for information on advertising with Homeschool World or in our magazine, Practical Homeschooling, click here for our Advertiser Contact Form.
EVERYONE ELSE: BEFORE YOU EMAIL US on any other topic, please read this.
- For questions about how to homeschool legally in your state, please click here.
- For how to get started in homeschooling, please click here or visit the Getting Started area of our forum.
- For questions about homeschool nitty-gritties: how-tos, curriculum, homeschooling in the military, homeschooling special-needs children, and so on, please visit our forum, where over 6,000 homeschoolers are available to answer your questions. Also note that we have hundreds of articles on our site that cover all aspects of homeschooling.
- For our writer's guidelines, click here.
- "News" items should be of national and/or international interest, should be directly related to homeschooling (not parenting or general politics), and should not promote a product. That includes websites!
- We offer free listings for homeschool events on our events page. If you wish to promote a local non-homeschooling venue (e.g., YMCA classes, bowling leagues, museum events), please don't email us. Instead, visit the page for your state (start at our groups page) and locate your local support group. Local groups are those below the line: state groups are above the line. Local groups often have newsletters or websites that accept free or very low cost advertising, and they love to hear about local opportunities.
- Finally, due to our small staff, we are unable to provide individualized research help for research papers, etc.
If we receive an email on any of the above topics, we will be forced to delete it without responding, as we just don't have the time or staff to answer these questions individually. We really hate to do this, so please read the above instructions before using the contact form below. Thank you!