Andrew Kern
Former columnist for
Practical Homeschooling Magazine.
Andrew Kern is the Founder and Director of CIRCE, a ministry devoted to strengthening Classical Education in the United States and Canada through teaching, teacher training, consulting, and curriculum development. Andrew and his wife, Karen, homeschool their five children. Additionally, he teaches Great Ideas Seminars to Charlotte Area high-school-aged home schoolers. He also speaks at classical and homeschooling conferences. Andrew graduated summa cum laude from Concordia University with a BA degree and is co-author with Gene Edward Veith, Jr., of Classical Education: Towards the Revival of American Schooling.
Homeschooling Articles by Andrew Kern
Where We Came From, Where We're Going They said classical education was dead. But the corpus is no longer a corpse.
Classical Colleges for Homeschoolers Andrew Kern takes you on a whirlwind tour of six classical colleges.