P arents
have two fundamental questions about college:
- Is my student ready for college?
- How am I going to pay for it?
My response is, “If you get your student ready for college the right way, you
might not have to pay for it.”
There are many different definitions for a college prep track. Some think
college prep is taking “AP” courses, some people think it is taking CLEP
exams, or even doing dual credit courses. Others see “college prep” as simply
the accumulation of specific high school credits and perhaps tossing in a
token SAT or ACT prep course. My answer to this is “none of the above.”
The proper College Prep Track answers three fundamental questions.
Where Are We Aiming?
Exit Strategy. The first thing you need to consider is the Exit Strategy.
Where are you going to place your student after high school?
There are four exit strategies we use to help people plan for college:
Competitive Colleges. These colleges have very high standards and very
specific criteria, based on a “profile” the college has developed to seek what
they consider their ideal candidate. Only students who meet that profile are
considered, and only those who rank highest on the standards and criteria are
Ivy League colleges, the service academies, and top tier colleges like
Stanford, Duke, Berkeley, and MIT are examples of colleges in this category.
Conventional Colleges. These colleges establish their baseline
qualifications. Many of these colleges, usually state-supported colleges,
admit students who meet the qualifications. Some of these colleges are a
little more selective; they will only accept the best qualified because there
may be a limitation on the number that can be enrolled, which makes them
somewhat competitive. Conventional colleges comprise the largest number of
colleges in the United States.
Institutions like Texas Tech, Louisiana Tech, University of California
(Davis), Texas Christian University, and James Madison University are examples
of conventional colleges.
Community/Junior Colleges. Publicly supported community colleges extend to
almost every square mile of the United States. In addition there are several
public and private Junior colleges. Entry requirements are minimal and are
ideal for students who need some help with basic academics or who want an
easier transition to a larger college.
Creative Colleges. Since the advent of the Internet, there has been an
avalanche of programs available online. Many high-profile colleges, including
Harvard University, have degree programs available online, many with little or
no residency requirement. Many of these programs are very flexible,
affordable, and can be crafted around busy lifestyles.
Focusing on your exit strategy is the key to crafting a College Track.
Is My Student Ready for College?
College Readiness Plan. Once you have established your exit strategy, you
need to establish a Readiness Plan.
College Advice. I include this in almost every document I write about college
preparation. There is no substitute for sound, professional advice. Thousands
and thousands of families miss opportunities, pay way more than they need to,
and often have to go into significant debt to send their students to college
because they did not get sound counsel.
Courses. The best way to determine what courses you should take in high school
is to simply go to the websites of your prospective colleges and find out what
courses they require. I encounter a lot of homeschool families that think if
they stack a lot of electives it will make their student more attractive.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Most colleges are essentially going
to be looking at core courses, i.e., 4 English, 4 Social Science, 2–4 Science,
3–4 Math, and possibly Speech, Fine Arts, and Health. Core academic courses
are much more important than electives.
Rigor. Courses need to challenge and stretch the student. The vast majority of
high school curriculums marketed to homeschoolers—in my opinion—do not contain
the rigor required to prepare a student for college.
One of the best ways to gauge the rigor of the course is to have your student
take a CLEP exam or take a dual-credit course at the local community college
or one of the colleges that offer courses online. An emerging opportunity is
the advent of MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses) provided by top universities
like MIT, Harvard, Berkeley, etc., for FREE!!!! Students don’t need to take
them for credit; they just need to be exposed and work though the courses.
There is no better college prep than taking REAL college courses.
Learning Skills. “Study hard” is something I hear a lot. In my 35 years in
training and education, I have never been able to observe someone “studying
hard.” The key is to have a systematic process to Gather, Process, and Apply
information and knowledge. College students are required to absorb and process
huge amounts of information in a very short period of time. Without some
systematic process with tools and techniques students can use, they become
very quickly overwhelmed and become an academic casualty, coming home from
college without finishing.
Life Skills. Students who go away from home for college will have to learn how
to live independently. In my experience, I have encountered students who did
not know how to simply wash their clothes, change the sheets on their bed,
cook a meal that did not come out of a microwave, personal finances, or even
some fundamental aspects of personal hygiene. Most homeschoolers have an
advantage because they can learn these skills at “school.” Make sure your
student has been taught how to live independently.
College Testing. PSAT, SAT, and ACT testing is the single most important
variable in college admissions and scholarships. I advise my students to start
early (as early as the sixth grade), test often, and use a formal, customized
preparation program. Most programs offered to the general public are not
customized to the specific student’s needs, and the preparation manuals you
can purchase at the bookstore can be a great resource, but in and of
themselves, they are simply a very generic solution and may not address the
specific individual needs of your student.
Technological Preparation. Students need to be savvy about using a personal
computer and navigating the Internet. With 95% of college courses today
requiring some online component, the student who is not accomplished and
experienced in programs like Microsoft Office, and who is not accustomed to
online courses and to using the Internet for research, will be severely
technologically hamstrung when he or she goes to college.
Many parents have a great deal of hesitation about allowing their children
access to the Internet. The Internet is a vital element of most college
courses. When your child goes to college, your child will have to be able to
operate in Internet environment.
Your student can learn Internet discipline while at home . . . or your student
will learn everything he needs to know about the Internet from the guy down
the hall who has the link to all the inappropriate sites. It is better to
learn Internet discipline at home instead of at college.2
How Am I Going to Pay for It?
Here’s a little reality check:
The average cost of a college education for one student now exceeds the median
cost for a house in the United States.
College debt is the single largest segment of personal debt in the United
States, exceeding all credit-card debt. It’s greater than all automobile debt,
greater than the entire national debt from the nation of Canada, and twice the
national debt of Greece.
Another issue that needs to be considered: your best tax avoidance strategy
may sabotage your college-funding strategies. 529 plans and other similar
private college savings programs may appear to be sound investment strategies,
when, in reality they work against you once you begin to seek certain types of
college financial aid. But this is the scope of another article.
Furthermore, many so called “College Planners” are really insurance sales
people in sheep’s clothing.
My recommendation is never take college advice from anyone with “college
(something)” in their title who sells a financial product or discusses
refinancing your home early in the conversation.3
Most insurance and financial planning professionals will send you to a
professional college advisor . . . who doesn’t sell financial products.
THE SECRET: Ironically, the best financial strategy has very little to do with
The best financial strategy is to find ways to reduce and even avoid a
significant portion of the out-of-pocket expenses for college.
As mentioned earlier, the most significant factor in obtaining college
scholarships is the student’s SAT and ACT scores. Having helped over thousands
of students pursue the top scholarships in the country, I?can state with
confidence that most colleges use test scores as the primary criteria for both
admissions and scholarships. Many colleges will award scholarships on test
scores alone. There is a financial “game” to paying for college, but that
will have to be the scope of another article.
The bottom line… Get Advice, Select an Exit Strategy, Develop a Plan, and take
the tests early and often.
1 BTW – My wife is in the Harvard Extension program. She received a full
scholarship and my cost for her degree is less than one year at a public
2 Complete FREE Microsoft Office training is available at
office.microsoft.com/en-us/training/ and FREE training on how to use the
internet is available at
3 The ONLY time I even consider refinancing a home is if the prospective college
uses the CSS/Financial Aid Profile to determine financial aid, because they
factor home equity into what the family should pay for college.