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Australia Homeschool Groups

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homeschool support groups in australia
Australian Christian Home Schooling Edit Remove More
8-12 Business Drive, Narangba, Queensland, Australia 4504
Contact: Terry Harding
Phone: 61 7 3881 5745
Fax: 61 7 3881 5795
Email: achs@cem.org.au
ACHS supports hundreds of families using the Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum in every state and territory in Australia; We provide teacher support, semester reports, free general support, access to student conventions, awards nights and graduation pathways.

Christian Home Education Canberra Edit Remove More
Canberra (ACT) and surrounding region (of NSW)
Email: info@chec.org.au
CHEC has been supporting home educators from ACT and surrounding districts, who wish to incorporate their belief in Jesus Christ into their practices, for many years. Our group is comprised of all sorts of people who use a wide variety of approaches to home education and reflect considerable diversity of expressions of the Christian faith. We are all volunteers, who contribute to the function and activities of the group.

HERLIN Bulletin - Research and Legal Information Edit Remove More
Sharon Steele, 5 Gamay Court, Wynn Vale 5127
Phone: (08) 8251 4603

Home Education Association (HEA) of Australia Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 245, Petersham, NSW 2049
Phone: 1300 72 99 91
Email: contact@hea.edu.au
A national support organisation set up to raise funds through membership in order to provide services and support that are difficult for individuals and groups to obtain, e.g. insurance cover for group activities and work experience, member cards and student cards as proof of student status, and discounts with online educational programs. HEA provides registration support and offers a phone Helpline service for new homeschoolers.

Home Education Network Edit Remove More
1 Pye Street, Garden City VIC 3207
Contact: Sue
Phone: (03) 9517 7107
Email: coordinator@home-ed.vic.edu.au
The Home Education Network provides information and support to Victorian home educators and an increasing number of interstate home educators as well as producing Otherways Magazine.

Home Education Network Canberra and Southern Tablelands (HENCAST) Edit Remove More
Serving Canberra, Queanbeyan, Bungendore and surrounding areas
Email: hencast-info@yahoogroups.com
A network of home educating families (registered and not) from all walks of life with varying beliefs who are home educating their children in a variety of ways.

Homeschool Australia Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 371, Yankalilla 5203, South Australia
Contact: Beverley Paine
Email: contact@beverleypaine.com
Practical advice on all aspects of home education for all age groups. FAQ forum. Books by Beverley Paine and experienced home educators and unschoolers.

Tasmanian Home Education Advisory Council (THEAC) Edit Remove More
23 Canning St, Launceston 7250
Contact: Sue Langdon
Phone: (03) 6334 5381
Email: admin@theac.org.au

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