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Tennessee Homeschool Groups

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homeschool support groups in TN
Tennessee Home Education Association Edit Remove
P.O. Box 681652, Franklin, TN 37068
Phone: (615) 834-3529
Email: president@tnhea.org
THEA is an volunteer association of homeschooling families with seven chapters covering the entire state of Tennessee offering and encouraging graduation, newsletters, web sites, curriculum fairs, conferences, support groups, coops, tutorials, etc. Membership in many of the seven areas is bundled with newsletter subscription varying from $10 to $40 per year. Membership and assistance is open to all home schooling families. Leaders are required to be Christian. Read more...

Bellevue Homeschool Association Cooperative (BHSA) Edit Remove More
Nashville, TN
Contact: BHSA Promo Coordinator
Phone: 615-485-8040
Email: bhsapromo@gmail.com
We are a Christ-centered, Bible-based, parent-directed, cooperative offering educational enrichment and social support for students (preschool-12) and parents. The word "cooperative" defines our organization where all participants are equally invested. We seek to serve our community and model that service to our children. We meet on Thursdays, 9am-1pm in West Nashville. $40 per family per semester(with possible small class fees).

Blessed Sacrament Homeschool Group Edit Remove More
Memphis, TN and surrounding areas
Phone: (901) 308-4477
Email: bshgmemphis@yahoo.com
Please contact us if we can help you. We are an active Catholic group! We offer co-ops, we attend Mass together each month, our field trips are fun, and our Moms' Nights Out are welcoming gatherings in our homes. And we also have activities for the fathers! We are spread out across the area, so there is sure to be someone who lives near you, and the children in our group are of all ages. Our yearly registration dues are only $25 per family (independent of number of children). May God bless you as you discern your path for educating your family.

Blount Home Education Association Edit Remove More
Eastern Tennessee - Blount County and surrounding area
Contact: info@bhea.net
Email: info@bhea.net
Blount Home Education Association (BHEA) is a Christian non-profit organization whose mission is to provide support, information, and encouragement to homeschooling families in Blount and surrounding counties. We operate solely with the help of many parent volunteers. In addition to an extensive schedule of enrichment classes for all grades (Pre-K to 12), BHEA sponsors various clubs and activities throughout the school year to enhance the educational program that each participating family provides at home. Some of these include: Field trips, park days, sponsored groups/clubs (such as Lego club, swim club, and much more!), field days, teen dances, service opportunities, Mom's Night Out events, homeschool 101 classes, and parent roundtables.

Yearly membership fee is $20 per family.

Chattanooga Southeast Tennessee Home Education Association Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 23374, Chattanooga, TN 37422
Contact: Gary & Carole Hargraves or Stephanie Thomas
Phone: (423) 266-4663
Email: Homeschool@CSTHEA.org

Ebony Homeschoolers Edit Remove
P. O. Box 382131, Germantown, TN 38183-2131
Contact: Dell Self
Email: info@ebonyhomeschoolers.org
Ebony Homeschoolers is a Christian homeschool online support fellowship established to strengthen and encourage the African-American homeschooling family. Read more...

Heart & Hearth Home Education Support Group Edit Remove
Serving Bedford, Cannon, Coffee, Franklin, Grundy, Lincoln, Marion, Moore, Rutherford, and Warren Counties in southern middle Tennessee.
Contact: Linda Reed
Phone: (931) 596-3171
Email: admin@tn-heart-and-hearth.com
We are a Christian group offering weekly recreational activities in Tullahoma. We also offer achievement testing in spring, a small conference, high school graduation exercises, publication of a group yearbook, and maintenance of an informative website. Support activities include seasonal celebrations, field trips, and Moms' Night Out. There are no membership dues, but participation in some of the activities requires a small fee. Rutledge Falls Homeschool Fellowship is an all-ages co-op meeting on Tuesdays at a church located between Manchester and Tullahoma. Read more...

Homeschool Group of Morgan County, TN Edit Remove More
Wartburg, TN 37887
Contact: Heather Moore-Francis
Phone: (865) 617-7821
Email: heatherlynnfrancis@gmail.com
In the summer of 2014 a few mothers got together to form the Homeschool Group of Morgan County. The goal was to be able to offer our children a rich educational experience through field trips, connecting with peers, and increased opportunities that a support group offers.

Along with offering field trips we have organized Christmas parties, Valentines Day parties, gym days, and family fun days.

Moving into our second year we are offering Enrichment Classes in Art, Nature/Science, Music, and Computer/keyboarding. We hope your family will find that here with the Homeschool Group of Morgan county is place where your family can belong.

If you would like to be a part of our upcoming events please contact us and join us on FB.

Memphis Home Education Association Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 2196, Memphis, TN 38088
Phone: (901) 753-4705
Fax: (901) 388-4908
Email: mhea@memphishomeschool.org
MHEA is a membership-based, Christian organization dedicated to serving home educators by providing support, encouragement and assistance; advancing home schooling; safeguarding and promoting parental authority in education.

Mid-East Tennessee Home Education Association Edit Remove More
Based in Athens, TN
Contact: Eddie and Kim Bohannon
Phone: (423) 745-9015
Email: mideastthea@gmail.com
METHE is a local chapter of Tennessee Home Education Association serving families in McMinn, Meigs, Monroe and Polk counties.

Middle Tennessee Home Education Association Edit Remove
P.O. Box 2234, Smyrna, TN 37167
Contact: Kelly Murray
Phone: 615-545-9283
Email: office@mthea.org
We provide a monthly newsletter to our members, as well as support and guidance for anyone who needs information about homeschooling. We are committed to protect the right of the parents to "train up a child in the way he should go." Read more...

Mountain Top Christian Co-op Edit Remove More
Signal Mountain, TN
Contact: Jenny Meadows
Email: jkflutterbug@yahoo.com
Mountain Top Christian Co-op is a community of homeschooling families who meet weekly for learning, creating, and exploring together. Our students range from kindergarten through 8th grade. Their younger siblings also are able to participate through a nursery and Pre-K program.

Murfreesboro Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
820 Jones Blvd Murfreesboro, TN 37129
Contact: Alexine Fink
Phone: (206) 399-1963
Email: murfreesborohomeschoolers@yahoo.com
At MHS we provide academic courses, educational clubs, activities and support for homeschooling families in Middle Tennessee. We strive to foster creativity, entrepreneurial spirit, and problem-solving by empowering students to take ownership of their education and commit to lifelong learning. As an inclusive community we respect all religious and spiritual backgrounds. Therefore, our classes and clubs are taught from a secular perspective. We serve children in Pre-K through 12th grade.

Northeast Tennessee Home Education Association (NETHEA) Edit Remove
NETHEA 149 Woods St Blountville, TN 37617
Contact: Melinda Chapman
Email: mchapman64@msn.com
NETHEA serves homeschoolers in the eight county area of upper East Tennessee through events, activities, services and support. The $20 yearly membership fee provides membership not only in NETHEA, but also THEA (Tennessee Home Education Association). NETHEA is a nonprofit organization and membership is open to all homeschoolers. Read more...

Proverbs 22 Homeschooling Edit Remove More
Johnson City, TN
Contact: Jessica
Email: proverbs22homeschooling@gmail.com
Biblical based homeschool group offering field trips and educational activities. Serving homeschool families in Northeast Tennessee & Southwest Virginia.

Sevier County Homeschoolers Activities, Support, and Co-op Edit Remove More
PO Box 4144, Sevierville, TN 37876
Contact: Gloria Secaur
Phone: (865) 654-7144
Fax: (865) 774-9714
Email: support@seviercountyhomeschoolers.com
We are a support and activities group. We offer support, field trips, graduation, annual holiday events, and much more. We also have a co-op that offers classes on Thursdays from 12:30 pm until 4:30 pm. For more information feel free to contact us. You can also join us on Facebook at Sevier County Homeschoolers of Tennessee!

Smoky Mountain Tennessee Home Education Association Edit Remove
1538 Highland Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37916
Contact: Rich Melton
Email: smheapres@gmail.com
The Smoky Mountain Home Education Association (SMHEA) is a Christian-led, non-profit service organization providing information and vital resources to all area homeschoolers. SMHEA serves the families of eighteen counties surrounding and including Knox County, and is one of seven Tennessee regional organizations affiliated with the Tennessee Home Education Association. Read more...

St. Ambrose Catholic Homeschool Co-op Edit Remove More
Contact: Sandy Pricer
Email: stambrosecoop@gmail.com
A catholic homeschool coop working to strengthen our children's catholic faith and catholic knowledge.

West Tennessee Home Education Association Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 10013, Jackson, TN 38308
Contact: William and Judith Belew
Phone: (731) 723-3945 or (731) 784-8117
Email: info@wthea.org
WTHEA is a chapter of THEA (Tennessee Home Education Association), a state-wide organization that helps to ensure that homeschooling in Tennessee stays legal. We serve 18 counties in West Tennessee: Benton, Carrol, Chester, Crockett, Decatur, Dyer, Gibson, Hardeman, Hardin, Haywood, Henderson, Henry, Lake, Lauderdale, Madison, McNairy, Obion, and Weakley.

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