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Oklahoma Homeschool Groups

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homeschool support groups in OK
Christian Home Educators Fellowship (CHEF) of Oklahoma Edit Remove
P.O. Box 471363, Tulsa, OK 74147-1363
Contact: Larry Mason
Phone: (918) 583-7323
Email: staff2010@chefok.org
The Christian Home Educators Fellowship of Oklahoma is dedicated to the support of families who believe God has called them to an active role in the education of their children. Read more...

Oklahoma Christian Home Educators Consociation, Inc. (OCHEC) Edit Remove More
3801 Northwest 63rd St, Building 3, Suite 236, Oklahoma City, OK 73116
Phone/Fax: (405) 810-0386
Email: staff@ochec.com
OCHEC is an organization offering statewide support for home educating support groups and individual home educating families in Oklahoma. Services include affiliated support groups, annual state convention, capitol day, free legislative alerts, and a free quarterly magazine. We are Christian in leadership. We endeavor to help anyone in home education.

AMBLEcommunity Edit Remove More
Tulsa Metro Area
Contact: Christa Bartlett or Donna Smith
Email: Form / Contact Page
We are a community of home-educating families in the Tulsa, OK area. We gather often for a nature walk, a field trip, or a park day. The moms come together monthly to discuss the Charlotte Mason method and to encourage and pray for each other. Come join us!

Central Oklahoma Homeschool Choirs Edit Remove More
Norman, OKC, Edmond, Choctaw
Contact: Minda Ciardi
Phone: (325) 513-4018
Email: admin@centralokhomeschoolchoirs.com
The mission of Central Oklahoma Homeschool Choirs is to provide an excellent choral music education midst a Christian environment to area homeschool families. The program strives to ignite a love of music through the singing of sacred, traditional, and contemporary choral literature. We cultivate basic vocal techniques and music literacy skills through varied repertoire and musical games while promoting the development of personal character and teamwork through performance preparation and providing opportunities to serve the community. We proudly represent the homeschool sector both locally and nationally through musical presentations.

Choctaw Community Homeschool Co-op Edit Remove More
Midwest City
Contact: Tina Bridges
Phone: (405) 641-0490
Email: ptbridges@mcloudteleco.com
We are a homeschool group which has been meeting for 5 years. We meet every Tuesday for classes, and charge $30.00 per month per a family (not child) and at the first of the year the teacher’s charge a class fee which covers supplies and books students will need for their classes. (We charge $65.00 per month per family for drop-off students 5th-12th grade.) The parents are the teachers and/or assistants, and we have a few retired school teachers that come to teach. Contact Tina Bridges for more information or to find out when the next meeting will be.

Claremore Area Christian Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
Contact: Lacy O'Brien
Phone: (918) 991-5131
Email: hanson7171@sbcglobal.net
Our Facebook group is for Christian Homeschoolers in the Claremore area to have a place to communicate, encourage, and plan activities for our kids.  There is no membership fee to join. We started our group in the 2015 school year. Currently we have a Nature group and a LEGO Club that meets twice a month, and we meet for field trips monthly.

Cornerstone Homeschool Support Group Home Page Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 459, Sperry, OK 74073-0459
Contact: Kathy Witt
Phone: (918) 425-4162
Email: Cornerstone-OKNews-owner@yahoogroups.com
Inclusive support group, newsletter, meetings, directory, phone tree.

Duncan Area Christian Home Educators Association (DACHEA) Edit Remove More
Duncan, Oklahoma
Email: dacheahomeschooling@gmail.com
DACHEA is a support group for home educating families in Duncan and the surrounding areas.

Green Country Defenders Edit Remove More
Tulsa, OK
Contact: Stephanie Hough
Phone: (918) 605-7905
Email: hough777@gmail.com
GCD is a Christian homeschool basketball program providing competitive basketball opportunities to Tulsa area homeschoolers ages 10-18. Check out our website for more info.

Green Country Home Educators Resource Organization (HERO) Edit Remove
P.O. Box 52504, Tulsa, OK 74152
Contact: Dawn Osborn
Phone: (918) 261-4688
Fax: (918) 342-8824
Email: gcheromail@yahoo.com
GC-HERO was established to provide support for homeschoolers in the greater Tulsa area. The group is open to all homeschoolers and is Christian-based. Benefits include a monthly newsletter, a member directory, use of our lending library, HSLDA discount, monthly boys' club activities, monthly girls' club activities, bi-monthly business meetings, and monthly moms' night out. Read more...

HEART (Home Educating and Righteously Training) Support Group Edit Remove More
Broken Arrow, OK
Contact: Rebekah Gschwandtner
Email: baheart12@gmail.com
This Christian homeschool support group meets monthly in Broken Arrow. The group provides support from seasoned homeschool moms, field trips, moms’ nights out, holiday parties, park/kids’ days, and more. This is an open group accepting families using all forms of education at home. Contact our email address for meeting times and information.

Helping Other Parents Educate (HOPE) Edit Remove More
NW Oklahoma City, Bethany, Warr Acres & Yukon
Contact: Linda Miller
Phone: (405) 802-0474
We meet at the Putnam City United Methodist Church - the first Thursday is just for Moms, and the second Thursday we participate with our children in projects, parties, service, and education. Field trips are normally open to all ages and are offered each month. Annual dues are $15/family.

Homeschooling In OKC Metro (HOM) Edit Remove
Supporting Oklahoma City and surrounding areas
Email: homeschoolinginokcmetro-owner@yahoogroups.com
We do Lego Club, field trips, parties, online support and encouragement, park days, free annual family photos, game days, book and clothes swaps, Keepers and Contenders Clubs, and more! We are a free group.

We are also on facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HOMthe2ndStory/

Lifeschoolers Edit Remove
Midwest City/Del City Area, but not limited to
Contact: Heather
Email: lifeschoolersgroup@gmail.com
We are a group for homeschooling families who are committed to uplifting and encouraging one another. We do this through field trips, activities, and posting to the group page. The majority of activities will be in the Mid-Del area but families outside of this area are welcome to join knowing that the majority of activities are in the Mid-Del area. There are occasions our activities take us around the OKC metro area and beyond.

****You will receive a message from one of the admins when you request to be added to the group. Please be sure to check your "other" messages. You will need to comply with the request in the message before being approved to the group.**** Read more...

Living Legacy Homeschool Association Edit Remove More
Yukon, Piedmont, Mustang, and OKC surrounding areas
Contact: Melissa Gray or Mary Grotelueschen
Email: livinglegacyhomeschool@yahoo.com
Living Legacy homeschool group is a Christian homeschool support group meeting in Yukon, Oklahoma that offers a variety of activities including PE, sign language, art, STEM, moms night outs, field trips, field day, and most importantly, an opportunity to get to know other families.
The group that meets for PE, sign language, art, STEM, field day, and parties meet once a week at a local church in Yukon. There is a semester fee per family. The ages accepted for our weekly gathering is 4 years - 12th grade.
Other activities are open to all.

Local Homeschoolers in Western Oklahoma Edit Remove More
Serving Elk City, Sayre, Clinton, Weatherford, Colony, Corn, Foss, Dill City, Burnflat, Hammon, Rocky, Hobart, Cheyenne, Merritt, Cordell, Carter, Canute
Contact: Erin Brewer or Wendie Wilson
Phone: (580) 821-0561 or (580) 243-8149
Email: erin.brewer@att.net
We are a support group that offers the opportunity to socialize, participate in weekly classes, and/or field trips. Membership is free, but we collect donations to help cover the cost of building rental.

Logan County Home Educators (LCHE) Edit Remove
PO Box 361 Guthrie, Ok 73044
Contact: Kristi McCoy
Phone: (405) 417-0834
Email: info@lcheok.org
A not for profit organization supporting home educators in Logan county Read more...

Mid-Del Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
Midwest City, Del City and surrounding areas
Email: mid.del.homeschoolers@gmail.com
Mid-Del Homeschoolers is for families who homeschool in Midwest City, Del City and surrounding areas. The purpose of this group is to provide a support system for homeschoolers, share resources and information, and participate in group activities and field trips. We are a secular group. What this means is; everyone is welcome to join regardless of gender, race, religion, or orientation.

Norman Area Home Educators Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 984, Norman, OK 73070
Email: info@normanhomeschool.org
NAHE exists for the purpose of sharing information, providing moral support and offering group activities for the enrichment of our children's education from a Christian perspective. Members enjoy social activities for teens, tweens and families, monthly field trips, skate parties, a Homeschool Back To School event, and an annual book sale.

Northeast Oklahoma Association of Homeschools (NOAH) Edit Remove More
6528 East 101st Street, PMB 379, Tulsa, OK 74133
Phone: (918) 924-5702
Email: info@noahjags.org
Providing homeschool students opportunities to develop athletic abilities while building character in a distinctly Christian environment. Sports offered are baseball, basketball, tackle football, soccer, cheerleading, tennis, flag football, softball, volleyball, with more sports to be added.

OKC Broncos Baseball Association Edit Remove More
Oklahoma City and Central Oklahoma Area
Contact: OJ Johnston
Phone: (405) 200-4996
Email: okcbroncos@cox.net
The OKC Broncos Baseball Assoc. provides Homeschool athletes an opportunity to play competitive baseball against public and private schools in the Oklahoma City area. Teams accept new players annually starting September 1. Charter school students accepted. The Broncos charge annual dues for players.

OKC Community Homeschool Group Edit Remove More
OKC, Moore, Midwest city, Del city
Contact: Tiffany Bradford
Phone: (405) 306-7872
Email: okcchomeschool@gmail.com
Our purpose is to bring homeschool families that live in South OKC/Moore and the surrounding area together—whether new or experienced, giving each other support, encouragement, and community with one another through field trips, play dates, fun classes, small group meetings, moms' night out and more!

OKC Legion Athletics for Homeschool Students Edit Remove More
3925 Patty Lane Bethany, OK 73008
Contact: Darin Miller
Phone: 405-496-3468 or 405-795-7059
A Christian organization that offers Jr High and High School competitive eleven-man tackle football, track, and wrestling.

Oklahoma Christian Home Educators Football Association (OCHEFA) Edit Remove More
11221 E I240 Service Rd, Oklahoma City, OK 73150
Contact: Paul Kouri
Phone: (405) 340-0375
Email: okcpatriots@gmail.com
Offering competitive JV & Varsity tackle football teams, and JV and Varsity cheerleading squads.

Oklahoma Homeschool Edit Remove More
1608 E. Tacoma Street, Broken Arrow, OK 74012
Contact: Cindy Downes
Email: cindy@oklahomahomeschool.com
Helping you get started in homeschooling, locate curriculum, acquire teaching skills, homeschool highschool, discover local resources, and more!

Oklahoma Homeschool Moms Information Network Edit Remove More
Serving the OKC Metro Area
Email: okhsmoms-info-owner@yahoogroups.com
A Yahoo Group serving the OKC metro area and beyond, fully moderated, as a daily digest of information and resources.

Oklahoma Homeschool Volleyball League Edit Remove
2917 Water View Ct, Norman, OK 73071
Contact: Lana Horner
Phone: (405) 834-1832
Email: lmhorner8@earthlink.net
Our volleyball league consist of homeschool clubs from around the state of Oklahoma. (Norman, Shawnee, Edmond, Ada, Lawton, East OKC, Duncan). New clubs accepted. It is mainly a co-ed league, but we do have same-gender teams as well. All teams compete in games during Jan-March in Norman; practices vary from club to club. Read more...

Proverbs 22:6 Home Educators Edit Remove
15303 East 21st Street, Tulsa, OK 74134
Contact: Jennifer or Brit
Phone: (918) 770-8405 or (918) 770-8405
Email: leader@proverbs22-6homeeducators.org, proverbs22-6@cox.net
This group was established as a support network for families who honor the seventh day Sabbath. We are open to anyone! No membership fees or forms to sign! The group meets every Tuesday for a variety of activities. Perks include free co-op class, student public speaking, fun academic competitions, community outreach events, educational field trips, end of year ceremony, e-mail loop, and lots and lots of friendship and fellowship! Read more...

Shawnee Oklahoma Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
Shawnee, OK
Email: shawneeoklahomahomeschoolers@gmail.com
The Shawnee Oklahoma Homeschoolers group is a Facebook page where we share pertinent information and support for homeschoolers our area. There are families from Meeker, Maud, Pink, Bethel Acres, and McLoud. We organize outings to help connect local homeschool families in the Shawnee, OK, area with each other and let them know about all the other wonderful groups from Shawnee to OKC.

Tahlequah Homeschool Edit Remove
Tahlequah, Muskogee, Fort Gibson and the surrounding areas.
Contact: Tavia Armstrong
Email: tahlequahhomeschool@yahoo.com
Tahlequah Homeschool provides educational and recreational opportunities for homeschoolers of all ages in northeastern Oklahoma. We do not require dues or commitments, and members may participate in any or all of our fun activities at will. Visit our Facebook page to learn more about our group and to request membership. Read more...

Tri-City Impact Group Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 261, Newcastle, Oklahoma 73065
Contact: Melissa Phipps
Phone: (405) 777-9090
Email: tchegroup@gmail.com
A nondenominational Christian group offering like-minded support and fellowship, serving Newcastle, Tuttle, Blanchard and surrounding areas. Please check out our website for more information!

Tulsa Area Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
Tulsa and the surrounding areas. Serving NE Oklahoma
Contact: Cheryl Fritz
Email: tulsaareahomeschoolers@gmail.com, TulsaAreaHomeschoolers-owner@yahoogroups.com
Very active, friendly, homeschool support group. We have weekly meetings, PE, Art, Science, Spanish Lego/ Game Club, bowling and skating days monthly. Field trips, play dates, cook outs and family activities. Active Teen and Tweens groups, with regularly scheduled activities. We are (inclusive) a diverse group that welcomes all homeschooling families. Membership is free.

Tulsa Home Educators Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 813, Glenpool, OK 74033
Contact: Linda Duntley
Phone: (918) 322-3984
Email: lduntley@aol.com
THE NEWS, a large monthly email or postal mail publication full of local and statewide events, classes,support group info available by subscription and a email update loop. Also operates a free, monthly book benevolence ministry for home educators. THE Leadership Coalition is an organization made up of many Tulsa-area homeschooling groups.

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