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Maryland Homeschool Groups

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homeschool support groups in MD
Maryland Association of Christian Home Educators (MACHE) Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 417, Clarksburg, MD 20871-0417
Phone: (301) 607-4284
Email: info@machemd.org

1 Ace 1 Foundation Tennis Program for Home School Kids Edit Remove
701 Mississippi Ave. SE Washington Dc 20032 just minutes from the Maryland line near St. Barnabas and Wheeler Ave
Contact: Rozzell
Phone: (301) 237-0347
Email: zfoot@aol.com
The One Ace One Foundation is starting a new program at the New Venus and Serena Williams arena that targets homeschooled kids. We will be having and free Orientation/Playday Combine (no experience needed for 5-12 year olds) early in April 2015 to introduce and recruit interested kids and families. Don't miss out on a great opportunity. Read more...

Arundel Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
107 Mountain Rd, Pasadena, Md 21122
Email: info@arundelhomeschoolers.net
A Christian homeschool support ministry providing networking, interactive website, email list, member directory, monthly support group meetings, used curriculum and Community Room Space. For any and all parents homeschooling or thinking about homeschooling.

Baltimore Homeschool Community Center Edit Remove More
1777 Reisterstown Rd #60, Baltimore (Pikesville), MD 21208
Contact: Kelly Polyakov or Brittany Williams
Phone: 410-484-0130 or 410-484-0130
Email: info@baltimorehomeschool.org
An inclusive, secular, and diverse group of homeschooling families and friends. We offer many classes, events, activities, and social experiences. We have a membership fee and charge for some classes so we can pay the rent at our new facility. Check out our lounge, art room, Lego Lab, and much more! All for homeschoolers in our community.

Baltimore, Harford, & Cecil County HomeSchoolers (BaHaCeHS) Edit Remove More
Serving the North East/Central corridor in Maryland
Phone: (410) 557-4227
Email: BaHaCeHS-owner@yahoogroups.com
This group exists to provide a means of communication to offer support, share resources, and present ideas among the homeschooling community in the North East/Central corridor in Maryland. This discussion group is open to all members of the homeschool community, whether you are just considering the homeschooling option or are a veteran homeschooling family.

Central Maryland Inclusive Homeschoolers Edit Remove
All of Central Maryland
Contact: Alicia Simon
Email: mom2blu@gmail.com
We meet all over central MD from Upper Marlboro to Baltimore for things like park days, field trips, social events, and parties. Our focus is on play-based social events, in an inclusive setting. We have members of multiple races, religions, and homeschool styles. We are like a support group for moms and a play group for kids, and have multiple events to chose from. Read more...

Chesapeake Home School Network Edit Remove More
Maryland's Upper-Central Eastern Shore
Contact: Lisa
Email: chesapeakehomeschoolnetwork@gmail.com
We are the oldest home school group on the eastern shore of Maryland. We offer a support group and a co-op for home school families in Cecil County, Kent County, Queen Anne's County, Caroline County, Talbot County, and nearby Delaware towns.

Chesapeake Homeschool Cooperative and Group Edit Remove
725 Herald Harbor Road Crownsville, MD 21032
Contact: New member coordinator
Phone: (443) 598-2477
Email: info@chesapeakehomeschoolers.com
Chesapeake Homeschool Cooperative and Group is an academic and play based homeschooling cooperative that is open to members regardless of method of instruction or religious affiliation. We welcome new members from Anne Arundel and surrounding counties. Read more...

Christian Home Instructors League of Delmarva (CHILD) Edit Remove More
Based in Salisbury, MD
Contact: Dan Drehmer
Phone: (410) 742-4229
Email: dan@dandrehmer.us
This is a monthly newsletter and Christian group on the eastern shore of MD / Delaware.

Conowingo - Rising Sun Christian School (CRSCS) Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 36, Conowingo, MD 21918
Phone: (410) 658-3318
Email: homeschool@crscs.org
We are a home school umbrella program serving Maryland.

Educating Our Own (EOO) Edit Remove More
Based in Westminster, Maryland - Carroll County
Contact: Kandi Shoop
Phone: (443) 929-6154
Email: Form / Contact Page
An inclusive homeschool support group serving Carroll County and the surrounding areas. Provides activities and support through cooperative effort. Yearly fee to support group insurance and usage of buildings in the area.

FAMILIESnews Edit Remove More
Based on the eastern shore of MD, VA and DE
Contact: Barbi Shirvani
Email: chesapeake6@gmail.com
We are a large group of homeschoolers (700+), primarily Christian, but anyone is welcome to join.

Frederick Homeschool Community Edit Remove
Frederick County, MD and surrounding areas
Contact: Danielle Celebre
Phone: (301) 304-0004
Email: info@frederickhomeschoolcommunity.org
An inclusive and diverse homeschool support group whose mission is to provide homeschool enrichment, socialization and support. We are an active and friendly group, offering over 50 field trips, co-op classes, monthly family events, and lots of fun and socialization. Join us! Read more...

Greater Baltimore Christian Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 65084
Contact: Ja'Near Garrus
Email: homeschoolersgbc@gmail.com
The Greater Baltimore Christian Homeschoolers is a support group for children in Pre-K through 5th grade and their parents. The goal for this group is to build a community of homeschoolers in the Baltimore area that are of like faith that can share in activities, socialize, and take field trips together.

Heritage Christian Homeschool Co-Op Edit Remove More
Parkville, MD
Email: heritagechristiancoopbaltimore@gmail.com
Heritage Christian Homeschool Co-Op provides classes for K-12th grade, as well as nursery for younger siblings of enrolled students. Classes include PE, art, health, and more! Registration is $85/student for each semester. Email heritagechristiancoopblatimore@gmail.com for more information, including invites to our private facebook page.

HisWay Homeschool Academy Edit Remove
300 Westminster Rd., Reisterstown, MD 21136
Email: administration@hiswayhomeschool.org
We are a cooperative where homeschool families come together 2 days a week to educate our children in an evangelical Christian environment without the restrictions of traditional schooling. We feature small classroom settings where we meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from September through May. Learning centers and dramatic play centers are also utilized. Read more...

Home Educators of the Eastern Shore Edit Remove More
Serving Kent, Queen Annes, Talbot, Caroline, Cecil, and Dorchester Counties of MD and some Delaware cities as well
Contact: Denise Toth
Phone: (410) 739-4787
Email: heeshomeschool@gmail.com
HEES offers a support group and co-op to home schoolers on the eastern shore of MD and some DE counties. We are looking for people who want to build relationships and are interested in investing in the lives of others as we encourage and support one another in our home school adventure. We meet on Wednesday afternoons.

Homeschool Oversight Program Extension (HOPE) Edit Remove More
550 Baltimore Blvd.
Contact: Benjamin Fried
Phone: (443) 841-8636
Email: hope@carrollchristian.com
HOPE, a ministry of the Church of the Open Door, has been designed to support and provide oversight, encouragement, advice, and record keeping for families who choose to “train up” their children at home (Deut. 6:4-6) in faith, virtue, and knowledge (II Peter 1:5) and to assist families in complying with Maryland law as described in COMAR 13A.10.01.05.

Homeschoolers Hanging Out Edit Remove More
Finksburg MD 21048
Contact: Gretchen Haines
Phone: (443) 929-9352
Email: gandghaines@yahoo.com
H2O, or Homeschoolers Hanging Out, is a fun, secular support and social group that meets in Eldersbug and Finksburg, and offers field trips and fun classes with talented teachers.

Lumen Christi Traditions of Roman Catholic Homeschools (TORCH) of Northeastern MD Edit Remove More
Serving Harford & Cecil Counties
Email: newtnts@comcast.net
We are a Roman Catholic homeschooling group that is open to people of all faiths. We have monthly meetings, field trips, outreach opportunities, and support one another in our homeschooling journey.

Many Paths of Natural Learning - Eastern Shore Edit Remove More
Maryland's Eastern Shore: Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Somerset, Talbot, Queen Anne, Worcester, Wicomico
Contact: Angela Bourassa
Email: angela.bourassa@gmail.com
We are a multi-level support group serving homeschooling families on Maryland's Eastern Shore.

Families are invited to join our inclusive group for online discussion, join us for park days, get togethers and field trips, or enroll in our umbrella group for review services.

Maryland Catholic Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
State-wide Maryland
Email: marylandarch@yahoo.com
Maryland Catholic Homeschoolers is a state-wide Catholic homeschoolers resource organization. Contact us about Catholic homeschooling in Maryland.

Maryland Homeschool Association Edit Remove More
Email: mdhsa.info@gmail.com
Maryland's leading, inclusive homeschool association providing legislative leadership, advocacy, and support services.

Montgomery County Support Group Edit Remove More
26824 Howard Chapel Drive, damascus, MD 20872-1247
Phone: (301) 253-5467

North County Home Educators (NCHE) Edit Remove More
Based in Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
Phone: (410) 437-5109
Email: Form / Contact Page

OC Homeschool Edit Remove More
OC, MD 21842
Contact: Steph Amsel
Phone: (443) 235-1095
Email: stephamsel1@gmail.com
Support network for homeschooling families in Ocean City area and surrounding.

Severna Park & Pasadena Teen Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
Pasadena, MD Severna Park, MD Anne Arundel County, MD
Contact: Carrie R. Bonkiewicz
Phone: (703) 626-4195
This group is for teen-specific events and classes for homeschoolers in the Severna Park/Pasadena area. Although anyone from any area in Anne Arundel County may join, the events will primarily be in Severna Park/Pasadena.

The goal of this group is to create a place to get our teens together and a new and exciting way to keep homeschooled teens socially active with other kids their age.

Southern Maryland Homeschool Network (SMHN) Edit Remove More
Serving Southern Maryland, including St. Mary's, Calvert, Charles, Prince George's, and Anne Arundel counties
Contact: Linda Crandall
Email: neilinda@chesapeake.net
We are a network of homeschool groups and individual homeschool families that encourage and support each other's needs and choices through networking, sharing resources, and group activities.

Together Growing in Faith (TGIF) Homeschool Co-operative Edit Remove More
Sykesville, MD
Contact: Sharon Borcherding
Email: tgifhomeschool@comcast.net
Formerly South Carroll Covenant Keepers, we are a Christian homeschool co-op offering field trips, support meetings, special events, and two semesters of Specials Day classes that meet on Fridays. We also have a high school tutorial program that meets every Friday during the school year.

UMOJA Christian Homeschool Support Group Edit Remove
Meeting Place: Baltimore, Maryland 21223
Contact: Shanita Kelley or DuEwa Eugene
Phone: (443) 854-0977
Email: umojachristianhomeschool@gmail.com
UMOJA Christian Homeschool Support Group is a Christ based support group for homeschooling families. We serve homeschooling families throughout Baltimore city and surrounding counties. There is an annual membership fee. Many of our field trips are also available to non-members for a fee. Read more...

Wellspring Christian Family Schools (WCFS) Edit Remove
16827 Sabillasville Rd., Sabillasville, MD 21780
Contact: Joel Fischer
Phone: (301) 241-2072
Email: info@wcfs.edu
Private school with both local and international homeschool oversight program, based in the State of Maryland. (USA) Read more...

Western Maryland Homeschool Edit Remove
Based in Fairplay, MD 21733
Contact: Earlene (Pebs)
Phone: (301) 582-0716 or (240) 727-0675
Email: westernmarylandhomeschool@hotmail.com
An inclusive group for homeschooling parents and children, or anyone interested in homeschooling, in Western Md. (Allegany, Garret, and Washington Co.) We also include Ridgely, W.VA as well as the Centerville area of PA, or any area close to these areas. We try to schedule field trips of interest about once a month. Read more...

White Marsh Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
White Marsh, MD
Contact: Stephanie Neukum
Email: wmhomeschool@gmail.com
White Marsh Home School group is a small, secular, inclusive group in Central Maryland for families who are homeschooling kids through the junior high or high school years. Most of our activities are for kids who are in 8th-12th grade. We do however, also accept families with 6th or 7th graders who are at least 12 years old, as a few of our events are open to them, too. We anticipate the group to "age up" each year to keep up with the changing needs of our kids. Most of our regular events take place in the White Marsh/Perry Hall area, but we do travel all around the Baltimore metro area for field trips and other fun things.

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