Maine Homeschool Groups
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Homeschoolers of Maine Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 159, Camden, ME 04843
Phone: (207) 763-2880
Fax: (207) 763-4352
Homeschoolers of Maine is a volunteer based ministry founded in 1990 by Ed and Kathy Green. The mission of this ministry is to support homeschooling families in their God-given and constitutional right and responsibility to oversee the education of their children. Before founding HOME’s ministry, the Greens had been homeschooling their four daughters, as well as providing support and guidance to other homeschoolers throughout the state for many years. With those years of experience in homeschool leadership, they felt the time was right for Maine to have a statewide group which had a Godly foundation. This foundation continues to provide the principles that guide the leaders of HOME today. The Christian principles on which HOME rests allow HOME leaders to minister effectively to all homeschooling families in our state.
EarthSchool Edit Remove More
Two campuses: Brunswick & Gorham
Contact: Brooke Thompson, Brunswic or Leah Kimble, Gorham
EarthSchool is a Maine nonprofit that focuses on providing support and creating community for Maine homeschoolers & unschoolers. EarthSchool has two campuses. Brunswick (ES of Midcoast Maine) meets on Tuesdays. Gorham (ES of Southern Maine) meets on Thursdays. EarthSchool provides a secular community and a wide range of classes for over 250 preschoolers to high schoolers annually.
Guilford Christian Academy Edit Remove
64 E Main St Ste A1
Contact: Trisha White
Phone: (207) 717-7619
We are a Recognized Private School in Maine with 15 years of operation so far. We have gained recognition by colleges, the military and local superintendents. We offer gathering for homeschoolers to meet face to face, support, and encouragement. You decide, we support. Curriculum choices and methods of teaching are for you to choose. We are also unschooling friendly. If you are interested, call today and talk to Trisha. Read more...
Home Education & Family Services / Royal Academy Inc. Edit Remove
15 Shaker Road, Gray, ME 04039
Contact: Shirley Minster
Phone: (207) 657-2800
Fax: (207) 657-2404
We assist families in the United States as well as those who live in other countries. We work with students from kindergarten through 12th grade, special needs children, gifted children, missionary families, and military families. As well as operating an educational bookstore, we offer help getting started, understanding of legal issues, program design, achievement testing, and college and career preparation. We also speak at educational conferences nationally and internationally. Read more...
Houlton Parents of Aroostook Teaching at Home (PATH) Edit Remove More
12 Washburn Street, Houlton, ME 04730
Contact: Sharon Bulley
Phone: (207) 532-6734
A group of homeschooling families in Aroostook County that are enjoying the adventures that homeschooling offers. Our group however, is not limited to Houlton. We have families from, Hodgon, Linneus, Danforth, and even some from Canada.
Maine Homeschooling Yahoo Group Edit Remove More
Statewide email discussion group
Contact: Annette Jurczak