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Wisconsin Homeschool Groups

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homeschool support groups in WI
Wisconsin Parents Association Edit Remove More
PO Box 2502, Madison, WI 53701-2502
Phone: (608) 283-3131
Email: wpa@homeschooling-wpa.org
WPA is a statewide, inclusive, grassroots organization. It was founded in 1984 to oppose legislation that would have severely limited homeschoolers' freedoms by giving the Department of Public Instruction power and authority over homeschools. Homeschoolers working together through WPA got the legislation amended so it became one of the most reasonable homeschooling laws in the country. Since that time, we have successfully countered numerous challenges to that law. This work continues today. Your support is needed.

Apples of Gold / Northland Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
Serving Douglas County and surrounding region
Contact: Naomi Musch
Phone: (715) 399-2207
Email: muschfarm@yahoo.com
Region-wide homeschoolers (Northern Wisconsin) keep connected via an on-line newsletter with a Christian world view, linking homeschoolers in the Northland with a forum of support, activities, resources, and articles to encourage you along the way.

Appleton Christian Homeschool Fellowship (ACHF) Edit Remove More
Fox Valley Area (Appleton, Neenah, Menasha, and surrounding Fox Cities)
Email: Form / Contact Page
We are homeschoolers, but first and foremost we are followers of Christ. We are a small group that offers a weekly co-op, field trips, family socials, service projects, and more! We focus on developing relationships between kids, parents, and whole families. Please read our About Us page to see if this group is a good match for your family.

Central Wisconsin Holistic Homeschoolers Co-op Edit Remove
Wood, Portage, & Adam County
Contact: Jackie Dietrich
Phone: (715) 421-4033
Email: central-wisconsin-holistic-homeschoolers@googlegroups.com
We are an inclusive secular group of families with children from birth to 11 right now. We meet weekly with regular meetings which are somewhat Enki-Waldorf related. About every other week we meet for a variety of planned outings. We use song and movement, arts and crafts, cooperative games and activities, foreign language, science, and culture. We charge $100 per year per family (pro-rated) for supplies, festivals. Some special artists/teachers may have a small additional fee. Read more...

Christian Home Educators Fellowship Edit Remove More
Platteville, WI
Contact: Ellen W
Phone: (608) 348-4521
Christian Home Educators Fellowship (CHEF) is a Christian-based homeschool group serving the tri-state area of WI, IL, and IA. We offer activities such as family events, science experiments, drama, senior banquet, graduation, etc. Family fees are $20 for the year.

FISH Home Education Network Edit Remove More
Madison, WI
Contact: Becky Hutchinson
Phone: (608) 204-9541
Email: bhutchfamily@live.com
We are a Christian network of homeschooling families in the Madison area, including many surrounding communities. Our mission is twofold: To come together as a network and encourage and support one another as we seek to home educate our children, and to share ideas, activities and resources to better accomplish the training and home educating our children.

Gloria Homeschool Choir Edit Remove
PO Box 523, Hillsboro, WI
Contact: Dennis Baldridge
Phone: (608) 371-9303
Email: info@gloriachoir.org
The Gloria Home-School Choir is a Christian organization of home-schooled singers ranging in age from 12 years and up. Our purpose is to glorify God through skillful and artistic music presentations while teaching our students the art of proper singing and musicianship. The director is Dennis Baldridge;
accompanist, Jane Baldridge.

Greater Milwaukee Catholic Home Educators Edit Remove
Milwaukee/Southeastern Wisconsin
Email: info@gmche.com
GMCHE has over 150 families in the greater Milwaukee area. We organize field trips, have monthly meetings, and organize an 8th Grade and High School Graduation Ceremony and Mass. Currently, our membership cost is $8 per family per year. Read more...

Green Bay Area Christian Homeschoolers (GBACH) Edit Remove More
Green Bay metro area, Brown County and surrounding area
Contact: GBACH Board
Email: board@gbach.org
GBACH exists to provide Christ-centered support and encouragement and to offer academic, social, and service opportunities to private homeschools in Green Bay and surrounding areas. GBACH maintains a clear delineation between virtual charter schools and private homeschools and accepts only private homeschools (i.e., those completing a PI-1206 form) for membership. Membership dues are $20 per year; scholarships are available upon request.

Holy Family Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
Greater Madison, Wisconsin, area
Contact: Elizabeth Leone
Email: holyfamilyhomeschoolers@gmail.com
We are a support group of Catholic home educators in the diocese of Madison. We meet for homeschool Masses and Confessions, weekly enrichment activities (science, art, choir, gym, preschool), field trips, and much more!

Holy Trinity Catholic Homeschoolers Edit Remove
Dodge, Jefferson, Dane, and Waukesha Counties
Email: info@holytrinitycatholichomeschoolers.com
We are a small homeschooling support group with families in the Waterloo, Lake Mills, Marshall, Columbus, Watertown areas in South Central Wisconsin. Read more...

Homeschool America Inc. Edit Remove More
313 N. High Street, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538
Contact: Sondra Muench
Phone: (920) 650-3927
Email: info@homeschoolamericainc.org
A 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides resources to assist parents. Enrichment program postings; mobile and on location hands-on pottery-art classes; new and used educational material consignment nook; coaching and accountability assistance; scholarship postings; library resource postings and year-round support.

Homeschoolers Exploring Activities and Resources Together (HEART) Edit Remove More
SW Wisconsin, largest draw from Madison
Email: heartnewmembercontact@gmail.com
H.E.A.R.T. seeks to foster an egalitarian, inclusive, homeschooling support group to enhance our members homeschooling experience. There is a $23/year fee, monthly group potlucks, many, many group activities and even more interest-based groups created by members.

Lake Mills Homeschool Families, WI Edit Remove
Lake Mills & surrounding areas of Jefferson County, WI
Contact: Teresa Forest
Email: tforest@classicalconversations.com
Join homeschooling families in Lake Mills, WI and surrounding areas. Connect on shared interests: support, teaching cooperatives, lending library, clubs, recess, parties... more is up to you! Families using virtual public charter schools are welcome. Free, inclusive of all beliefs. Read more...

Learning, Loving and Growing at Home Edit Remove More
Located in the Waukesha County area - Waukesha, New Berlin, Muskego, Sussex, Brookfield.
Contact: Karie
Email: lalahomeschool@gmail.com
We are an inclusive homeschool group that is free to join. We are mostly dealing with families in the Waukesha County area, but anyone in S.E. WI is free to join if they don't mind traveling.

Master's Touch Homeschool Group Edit Remove More
11010 W Saint Martins Rd, Franklin, WI 53132
Contact: Susan Leonard or Oumalay Cavaiani
Email: masterstouchhsg@gmail.com
We exist to honor the Lord by encouraging and edifying other Christian homeschooling families through prayer and support, and by providing opportunities to meet with and connect to other families. We seek to achieve this through a monthly meetings (we meet every first Tuesday of the month) and various activities such as; field trips, enrichment classes, ballet classes and camps, fairs and bees. Membership is $15/yr.

Ozaukee County Homeschoolers Edit Remove
Serving Ozaukee County and surrounding area
Contact: Tomi Fay Forbes
Phone: (262) 377-5984
Email: tomifay@yahoo.com
Ozaukee County Homeschoolers is open to all homeschoolers in Ozaukee County and the surrounding area. A monthly newsletter lists activities and provides avenues of support. Read more...

Stateline Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
W5493 Center Road
Contact: Angel Prien
Phone: (608) 558-2543
Email: aprien@litewire.net
We are a secular, inclusive group for homeschooler in and around Green County, Wisconsin. All religious paths and homeschooling philosophies are welcome.

Tomah Area Christian Home Educators Edit Remove More
Serving Monroe, Juneau, Jackson, Vernon, & Lacrosse counties
Contact: Laura Frohmader
Phone: (608) 427-3432
Our group offers many activities, classes, field trips, gatherings, etc.

Unschooling Families Edit Remove More
Fox Cities
Phone: (920) 733-8002
Email: lorifares@yahoo.com
A homeschool support group for families in East Central Wisconsin interested in self-directed and/or interest-initiated learning. Look us up on facebook: Unschooling Families.

Valley Homeschoolers (VHS) Edit Remove
P.O. Box 1621, Appleton, WI 54911
Contact: VHS Chairperson
Email: Form / Contact Page
VHS is a Christ-honoring, Christ-centered home schooling community of believers that promote and support home education through various academic, social, and outreach programs. Read more...

Wholeheart Edit Remove More
777 Hwy 164, Colgate, WI 53051
Contact: Stephanie Gitschlag
Phone: (262) 227-6554
Email: stephanie@woodedhills.com
Wholeheart is an exciting and affordable opportunity for Mom's of homeschoolers to fellowship and encourage each other while their children enjoy arts enrichment classes taught by specialists in their fields. We offer 2 visual and performing arts classes per semester and range from:

*Studio Art *Music Appreciation *Drama * Film Making *Dance *and More!

During enrichment classes Mom's meet over coffee, snacks, and occasional crafting to encourage each other on our homeschool journeys. We chat about how to be God centered and how to help our children to grow and develop in the amazing home school environment we are creating.

All enrichment teachers are paid. We currently meet every 2nd & 4th Thursday from 10am-12pm. Families register each semester. There is a $30 fee per child, max $90 per family. Scholarships available. Read more...

Wolf River Home Educator Edit Remove
Clintonville, Shawano, Marion, Tigerton. Bowler, Hotonville, Appleton and surrounding areas
Contact: Kathy Conto
Phone: (715) 823-4225
We are a Christian group of about 55 families who offer support, encouragement, sports, theater, field trips, classes, parties, monthly newsletter, weekly director notes, Lending Library, Life of Faith, Piano lessons and FED'S. The charge is $5.00 for e-mail correspondence and $10.00 for mail. Read more...

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