Rhode Island Homeschool Groups
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Rhode Island Guild of Home Teachers (RIGHT) Edit Remove More
PO Box 432, Coventry, RI 02816
Contact: Jen Curry Coordinator
Phone: (401) 368-1021
RIGHT is a 501C3 non-profit, group of approximately 300 homeschooling families. We offer two levels of membership: paid and free. Our support groups are organized into chapters representing geographical locations. RIGHT's chapters provide support, fellowship, and encouragement. Chapters organize activities such as field trips, play days, and mom's meetings. Join us on facebook! www.facebook.com/groups/250346741672501/
ENRICHri Edit Remove
P.O. Box 1151, Coventry, RI 02816
Email: info@enrichri.org
ENRICHri is a secular community which provides support and guidance in a welcoming environment for homeschooling families in Southern New England. We offer a monthly Homeschool 101 Workshop, field trips, play dates, Cooperative Program, Homeschool Drop In Days, teen group, support meetings along with yearly major events like Homeschool conference, Science & International Fair, Annual Picnic and a monthly newsletter. Read more...
Home Educators Network of Rhode Island Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 63, Mapleville, RI 02839
Phone: (401) 567-0232
Email: HENRIhomeschool-owner@yahoogroups.com
Networking homeschool families throughout the state of Rhode Island.