Louisiana Homeschool Groups
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Homeschool Louisiana Edit Remove
511 Turquoise Street
New Orleans, LA 70124
Contact: Christopher Chin or Roger Smith
Phone: (225) 263-3933 or (318) 237-4741
Homeschool Louisiana's purpose is to protect, promote and provide support for homeschooling families in the state of Louisiana. We provide support to leaders of local support groups through resources and networking. Also, we work closely with the Louisiana legislature and Board of Education to protect the freedom to home educate. Membership with our organization is through one of our local member groups that seek to meet the needs of their particular homeschool community.
Ascension Parish Homeschoolers Edit Remove
Serving Ascension Parish and surrounding parishes
Contact: Brittany Dooley or Joy Thibodeaux
Email: aphomeschool@gmail.com
This is a Facebook group that coordinates field trips, park days, and support for homeschooling families in the Southern Louisiana area! New members will be asked to provide an email address, and phone number before joining. Read more...
Baton Rouge Homeschool Association Edit Remove More
Covers parishes of: East Baton Rouge, West Baton Rouge, Ascension, Tangipahoa, Livingston, East & West Feliciana, and Iberville
Contact: Roblyn Honeysucker
Email: brhassociation-owner@yahoogroups.com
We are a secular and inclusive homeschool support group serving the Baton Rouge, LA area and surrounding parishes. We have weekly park days, weekly fieldtrips, monthly co-op classes, and monthly Moms' Night Out activities. Membership is free.
Baton Rouge Homeschool Athletic Association Edit Remove
Baton Rouge and surrounding parishes
Contact: Jerald Hardy
Phone: (225) 247-2407
Email: brhaa.eagles@gmail.com
A sports group comprised exclusively of home school families. Sports played include a football team, cheer leading squad, baseball, softball and possibly basketball. Members of the ACEL (Association of Christian Educators of Louisiana). Read more...
Bravo Homeschool Group Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 418
Princeton, LA 71067
Contact: Sharron Foster
Phone: 318-949-6398
Email: bravohomeschoolgroup@gmail.com
Bravo is a group of like-minded homeschool families located in Haughton, La extending to all Ark-La-Tex communities that was developed to provide local homeschoolers with a support group. We are a board driven group that desires to provide an educational and unique co-op for the families involved. In addition, we provide a mom's support group that involves Mom's Nights Out, and monthly events for all ages. We offer Field Trips, Fun Events, Dances/Socials, Yearbook, Testing, Graduation, Homecoming Dances, Proms, Science Fairs, Field Day and more
Bravo Homeschool Group Edit Remove More
Covers the following areas: Caddo, Bossier, Webster, etc.
Contact: Sharron Foster
Phone: (318) 949-6398
Email: bravohomeschoolgroup@gmail.com
We are a board-driven group that desires to provide an educational and unique co-op for the families involved. In addition, we provide a mom's support group that involves Mom's Nights Out, and monthly events for all ages. We are open for all homeschoolers through high school. Read more...
Christian Family Educators Edit Remove More
Northwest Louisiana; Shreveport / Bossier City
Contact: Michael & Paula Bottoms
Phone: (318) 925-2500
CFE is a Christian home school support group with approximately 150 member families. We organize field trips, spelling bee, graduation, and many other fellowship opportunities. In addition to fellowship opportunities for our children, we offer fellowship opportunities for moms and dads, too.
Christian Home Educators Fellowship (CHEF) of Lafayette Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 1373, Scott, La. 70583
Contact: Don & Monica Gauthreaux or Derek & Kim Dake
Email: preschef@bellsouth.net, or, kim_dake@yahoo.com
CHEF of Lafayette is dedicated to the support of true, parent-directed, home education in Lafayette and surrounding areas. We are a member group of CHEF of Louisiana.
Christian Home Educators Fellowship of Baton Rouge Edit Remove
P.O. Box 77675, Baton Rouge, LA 70879
Contact: President
Phone: (225) 330-5332
Email: president@chefbr.org
A volunteer support organization for Christian families in the Greater Baton Rouge Area who educate their children at home. CHEF, through its members, offers a variety of educational / social activities, classes and clubs, as well as a competitive sports program. Read more...
Christians Homeschooling In Louisiana's Delta (C.H.I.L.D.) Edit Remove More
229 Margie Drive
Oak Grove, La 71263
Contact: Vicki Kelly
Phone: 3184289046
Email: kellyvicki2000@gmail.com
This group has been created for Christians who homeschool in northeast Louisiana as well as southeast Arkansas and west central Mississippi. Our membership dues are $25 per family each school year, if paid by October 1st. After that deadline the fee will be $30. We are a group of Christian homeschoolers, advocating individual choice and freedom in education, serving those families who choose to homeschool by networking through activities, events, and a Yahoo group. When you send a request to join our Yahoo group you will receive a personal email from a group moderator. So please be on the look-out for it. (It may go to your spam box) We look forward to getting to know you and your family!
Divine Mercy Home Educators Edit Remove More
Based in the Shreveport / Bossier City, LA area.
Email: dmhe-owner@yahoogroups.com
A group of Roman Catholic Homeschooling families located in the Shreveport, LA area. The purpose of the group is to provide support, information, group activities and prayer for its members.
Fort Polk/ Leesville Homeschool Moms Edit Remove More
Fort Polk, Vernon Parish, and Beauregard Parish area
Contact: Sandy Keller
Phone: (912) 271-1913
Email: sandykellerbell@yahoo.com
We are a free homeschool group for connecting with other homeschool parents and sharing events with others. We use our group to plan homeschool events such as field trips, Mom's Night Out, Teen Night, Tween Night and other activities. It is essentially a local-community hub where homeschooling families can meet and support each other outside of their daily homeschool activities.
This is not a membership only group. Anyone who homeschools or is looking into homeschooling is welcome.
Homeschool TWeen Group Edit Remove More
Serving Fort Polk and surrounding areas
Contact: Kimberly Aker
Phone: (563) 209-8347
Email: sunshinek210@aol.com
This group is free to join; However, activities do cost. It was created to allow homeschooled tweens ages 10-13 the opportunity to meet kids their age and participate in activities planned specifically for them. We plan events and field trips. We also have ongoing activities such as horseback riding lessons and book club. We encourage all parents to be involved. Although we do not require a statement of faith, this group is mostly Christian.
Homeschooling Heroes: NOLA Edit Remove
Greater New Orleans area
Contact: Mary Long
Phone: (925) 303-7843
Email: learn@homeschoolingheroes.com
Homeschooling Heroes is an inclusive resource for families seeking exceptional educational and extracurricular opportunities outside of the typical co-op structure. There are no fees or time commitments beyond what’s required for the courses and events that you choose to sign up for. All homeschooling and unschooling families are welcome to join. The group has no political, religious, or schooling preferences. It is a place to share a variety of options and appreciate differences. Read more...
Houma Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
Serving Houma, LA and the surrounding areas
Contact: Rhonda Lusco
Email: rhondalusco@yahoo.com
The goal of the group is to provide a POSITIVE socialization environment for homeschooled children, as well as offer support and encouragement to their parents. Social events include choir, bowling league, 4-H Club, Ballroom Dance Lessons, Spanish Club, Art Classes, Lego Club, and more. There are no membership fees.
Contact: Kelly Lepine
Phone: 504-368-4936 or 5043684936
Email: keyhomeschoolassociation@yahoo.com
KEY Homeschool is a support group. You teach your own children.KEY can help you find information and curriculum that will suit your family's homeschool needs.
KEY offers other programs and activities throughout the school year Read more...
Lagniappe Homeschool Co-op Edit Remove More
Prairieville, La
Email: lagniappehomeschool@gmail.com
Lagniappe Homeschool Co-op is an inclusive cooperative. We are a small collective of homeschool families in and around the Ascension Parish area. Together we make the co-op work by volunteering our time, energy, and resources. Each course is facilitated by a parent as well as a helper.
Lagniappe strives to create an educational environment to enrich our homeschool students as well as provide an atmosphere of mutual respect, organized but flexible structure, and interest driven exploration.
LIFE Homeschool Support Group Edit Remove More
533 Natural Gas Rd, Logansport, LA 71049
Contact: Vicky Winchester
Phone: (318) 679-5333
Email: hschooltools@aol.com
A support group of homeschool families in the western Louisiana area, serving west Louisiana and east Texas. Our purpose is to work together for the education and spiritual growth of our children.
Mt. Everest Homeschool Co-op Edit Remove
Baton Rouge, LA
Email: mteverestpresident@gmail.com
We are a homeschool cooperative. All parents should be prepared to contribute by teaching a class, even if it is simply taking lead on helping with toddlers, pre-K or infants. We are open to families of all religious affiliations, cultures, nationalities, and genders. We think that all children are valuable and accept children no matter what their ability or needs are. We offer two days of co-op, Thursdays and Fridays. Most families only attend one day, but some attend both. That is all based on what room we have available for each day. The co-op starts around 9 am and ends a little after noon. Read more...
New Orleans Homeschool Morning Playgroup Edit Remove More
26 Grand Canyon Dr, New Orleans, LA 70131
Contact: Laura Garbers
Phone: (504) 453-5518
Email: laura.garbers@gmail.com
Our group provides a supportive outlet for homeschool families to gather at parks on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. We also have monthly field trips. We embrace the importance of social ties, nature, play and exploration and all children, even young children who nap afternoons, are welcome to attend.
NOLA Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
New Orleans Metro Area
Contact: Ty Salvant
Phone: 504-286-4650
Email: connect@nolahomeschoolers.com
NOLA Homeschoolers is an inclusive community and comprehensive resource directory for current or prospective homeschoolers in the Greater New Orleans area. This web site was created in response to the needs expressed by local homeschooling families. As such, we encourage you to invite others to join and hope that you feel free to share information you have that may be beneficial to others. Many groups exist in the area, but no one place is offering a "file cabinet / bulletin board" for everything. NOLA Homeschoolers aims to do just that and with your help, we can! Besides for weekly field trips, clubs including 4-H, Academic Games, and chess, we also have monthly workshops for parents. There is no membership fee to join, although some activities require a fee to participate.
Northshore Home Educators Association Edit Remove
Mandeville, Covington, Slidell, Hammond, and all surrounding areas
Email: chairman@northshorehea.org
Providing information, support, and services to Christian home-educating families, and teaching Christian leadership and character through participation in physical education, social activities, and academic endeavors. Read more...
Pontchartrain Christian Athletics Edit Remove More
Southeast Louisiana
Contact: John Schroder
Phone: (985) 237-9621
Email: pontchartrainchristian@gmail.com
Pontchartrain Christian Athletics (PCA) was created to give our Christian homeschool athletes here in beautiful Southeast Louisiana a platform to share their faith and God given gifts and talents with their teammates and opponents. PCA exists to support the local Christian homeschool groups in their endeavor to raise up Godly men and women through home education and athletics. PCA athletes currently compete in baseball, basketball, volleyball, cross country, and flag football. Different sports have different fees, and different grade level participation. At present, participation ranges from 3rd grade through 12th grade.
Roman Catholic Homeschool Association of Louisiana (RCHAL) Edit Remove
P.O. Box 663, Covington, LA 70434
Contact: Beth and John Montelepre
Phone: (985) 796-1274
Email: rchalinfo@rchal.org
It is our mission to support the growth of a Catholic Home School community by providing service and support in the form of information, guidance, and activities. RCHAL organizes and hosts field trips, bowling, P.E., a Curriculum Fair and Home School Conference, Moms' Mornings, Graduation, Game Nights, Project Fairs, Talent Shows, Family Picnics and First Friday Rosary, Stations of the Cross, etc. Read more...
Shreveport Area Secular Homeschooling Edit Remove
Shreveport-Bossier City Metro and Arklatex region, Louisiana
Contact: SASH Facilitator
Email: sash.facilitator@gmail.com
Shreveport Area Secular Homeschooling (SASH) is a support group whose mission is to host safe, welcoming, inclusive space for local homeschoolers seeking fully secular social and educational support. Read more...
Slidell Christian Home Educators Fellowship (SCHEF) Edit Remove More
Slidell, LA 70460
Phone: (985) 643-5023
Southwest Louisiana Christian Home Educators Fellowship Edit Remove More
Based in Lake Charles, LA 70605
Contact: Don and Katherine Martin
Email: swlachef@yahoo.com
The Portier Institute of Higher Learning Edit Remove More
1563 Cherry St., Slidell, LA 70460
Phone: (985) 640-3127
Westbank Homeschool Organization (WHO), Inc. Edit Remove More
P. O. Box 569, Marrero, LA 70073
Contact: Sylvia Effler
Email: whoedu@cox.net
A support group based in the New Orleans area, sharing years of homeschool experience.