New Jersey Homeschool Organizations and Support Groups
Edit this group : Remove this groupNJ Homeschool Hangout
Serving all of NJ but mostly Northern NJ
Contact: Sue
This group is open to all homeschoolers and those who are considering doing so in the future. . We are an eclectic group who embrace diversity! All people, regardless of religion, race, or beliefs are welcome to join. We are an all inclusive group and enjoy the diversity of ideas, events, and experiences for our children.
We are committed to providing FUN, interesting, social, and informational opportunities for all home-schooling parents and their children in and around New Jersey. Through our numerous events and activities, home-schooling parents are given the opportunities to share news, information, and resources available to families here in our areas.
As a group we create opportunities for projects, field trips, community service, park days, family gatherings, discussion groups and sharing of resources. Anyone is welcome to join in any or all of the activities.
We have many wonderful families aboard who offer encouragement and support, along with fun and sometimes educational activities.
Our families are made up of all different types of homeschoolers from Unschoolers to School at Home. It's a great group of respectful families with a lot to share!
We have come together in the spirit of raising our children in a caring, respectful environment.
We are committed to be a source of support, provide homeschooling information, socialization, and educational opportunities in a non-judgmental environment.
Our goal is to be a positive and respectful place. Those who are negative, disrespectful, or try to tear down other's homeschooling efforts will be removed from the list in order to maintain our supportive and positive atmosphere.
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