Missouri Homeschool Organizations and Support Groups
Edit this group : Remove this groupHomeschoolers Encouraging, Learning, and Providing Support (HELPS)
St Louis - North County Area
Contact: Kim Quon or Erika Bailey
Phone: (314) 838-7601 or (314) 667-9229
Email: Form / Contact Page
Homeschoolers Encouraging Learning and Providing Support, also known as HELPS, is a board-run home school support group whose goal is to provide educational and family-friendly opportunities for those families that homeschool their children. These opportunities include parent meetings, field trips, family assemblies, age specific get-togethers, teen nights, Co-op, yearbook, talent/art/project fair, holiday parties, high school dances, standardized testing, and graduation ceremonies for K, 8th and 12th grades. We do have a $17 yearly membership fee to help offset some of the costs of our various activities. The majority of our members are Christians. We begin our meetings with prayer; however, we are not exclusive. All who homeschool are welcome!
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