Kansas Homeschool Organizations and Support Groups
Edit this group : Remove this groupStepping Stones Homeschool Group
Located in Osage County, KS, with members from several surrounding counties including Douglas and Shawnee. Located between Lawrence and Topeka
Contact: Wendi Bevitt or Cristy White
Email: steppingstonescoop@yahoo.com
Our Christian homeschool group meets weekly Sept. thru the 1st part of May on Thursdays from 9-12:15, in Overbrook, KS. Classes are split up into small groups according to age. Each parent helps in some way, either teaching or helping in a class. Subjects have included art, P.E., history, life skills, etc. We organize field trips and guest speakers for further enrichment. The cost for the co-op per semester is $20 for a family with one child, and $30 for more than one child.
This group strives to provide quality Christian based educational resources and support for Christian home school families. We encourage a family commitment to this Christian based learning experience, without impacting family life.
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