New Jersey Homeschool Organizations and Support Groups
Edit this group : Remove this groupLIGHT Fellowship
230 Kenyon Avenue, Millville, NJ 08332
Contact: Thomas Berge
Phone: (856) 451-7518
We, as a home-educating fellowship, desire to provide information, prayer support, encouragement, and socialization to families who are committed to the Biblical principles of home education (Deuteronomy 6:6-9). We seek to edify and strengthen each other in our efforts to build Christ-like character according to the philosophy of education stated in II Peter 1:5-8, and to develop spiritually mature families (Colossians 1:28) who become salt and light in our communities (Matthew 5:13, 14).
We offer a variety of activities such as bowling, ice skating, swimming, field trips, Graduation Ceremony and other activities. We also offer a monthly Mom's meeting. There is a yearly membership fee.
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