What's in Practical Homeschooling #92?
- Which 107 interactive educational products and websites did homeschoolers vote the best? Find out which are the winners of our 2010 Practical Homeschooling i-Learn Awards!
- If it's Tuesday, this postcard must be from Belgium... A new way to get a really global education, person-to-person.
- Why it's time to stop jumping through those socialization hoops. Part 1 of a fascinating new series.
- A day in the life of a Minnesota homeschool family - with 11 kids!
- Why does those kids from the "college for homeschoolers" keep beating Harvard and other top teams in the National Moot Court Championships? And isn't that a homeschooler we spotted taking home a $50,000 Siemens Competition in Math, Science & Technology scholarship?
- Ever feed your children vitamins? Ever take supplements? Give away veggies from your garden? Find out why your right to do all that is in danger, and what to do about it.
- Your chance to nominate the products that will be competing for the coveted 2010 Practical Homeschooling Reader Awards!
- Classical Method columnist Diane Lockman answers the eternal question, "Once you've taught the Trivium, what then?"
- Best-selling science author Janice VanCleave reveals how to design a winning science fair project.
- Don Aslett, the world's #1 cleaning and time-management expert, with the surprising solution for how to get past the "blocks" that stop you from tackling difficult tasks.
- Melissa Morgan, co-author of Homeschooling on a Shoestring, unlocks the mystery of finding (and teaching to) your toddler's learning style.
- Education expert Sam Blumenfeld went to high school in New York City in the early days of World War II. If public school still was like it was then, we wouldn't all be homeschooling!
- Jeannette Webb, recipient of the Presidential Scholar Distinguished Teacher Award and expert at getting kids into top colleges, with her secrets on how to get students to "go deeper" and build an exceptional high-school career.
- The latest on those wacky national... oops, I mean "common"... standards.
- Free tutoring for military families. Come and get it!
- Free downloadable version of John Taylor Gatto's "Underground History of American Education," a book every single high school student and parent should read.
- How to find a tutor (if you're not in the military... see above), or list your services as a tutor
- Download a free catechism on the United States Constitution! Here's the catch: Since it was written for use by schoolkids in 1828, the vocabulary might be too tough for us college grads today.
- Mary Pecci's phonics learning system gets a big thumbs up
- True horror stories from public schools around the USA
- Stories from the Old West
- Music flash cards
- Way-out science experiments
- How to enjoy homeschooling your ADHD child
- How to help your learning disabled child with the SAT
- Contests for subscribers with awesome prizes! BONUS: See some winning Story Contest entries.
- Envelope Gallery of kids' art
- Ads with special offers
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