- Software Award Winners of the year -- find out what programs homeschoolers know are the best! (Hint: You won't find a lot of them in computer stores or WalMart!)
- More on European testing standards and how they can inspire American homeschoolers
- How to save money on used curriculum
- Letters to the Editor
- Contests for subscribers
- NewsShorts
- Envelope Gallery of homeschooled kids' art
- Day at Our House diaries from a frequent winner of PHS contests and a nine-year-old from Minnesota
- Why study Shakespeare? by education and phonics expert Sam Blumenfeld
- How to win at pet shows by Kristin Hamerski, Miss Teen-Age Alaska
- Top ten ways to establish lasting relationships with your kids by Chris Klicka, Senior Counsel for Home School Legal Defense Association
- How a co-op can make your life easier by Jessica Hulcy, co-author of the KONOS curriculum
- A simpler approach to spelling lessons by Dave Marks of the National Writing Institute
- Language arts the Montessori way by Katherine von Duyke, author of numerous homeschool resources
- The final word on homeschoolers and money from Mary Pride, publisher of PHS
- Intellitools, a software creativity suite
- The Rosetta Stone, an award-winning foreign-language software series
- a new gardening unit study
- Complete-A-Sketch and the Practical Drafting workbook
- The Ultimate Homeschooler's Physical Education Game Book
- Grown Without Schooling, the first video documentary about homeschool graduates
- Professor Klugimkopf's Old-Fashioned English Grammar
- Professor Klugimkopf's Spelling Method
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