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What’s in the Current Issue of Practical Homeschooling?


  • A lot of students have lost most of a school year because of the school closings. Here is a homeschool strategy for catching up
  • Philip Whitt introduces three programs that will help your student create masterpieces on his or her computer
  • Rebekka Parry explores the ways your student can earn college credit at home
  • What do we and our children gain when we empower them? And how best to do it?
  • How to get started in homeschooling.
  • Activities to help your child learn by bridging the physiological “line” between his or her right and left sides
  • Share a homeschool day with a family from Argentina (who are homeschooling in Mexico!), a homeschooling grandma, and a homeschooling family of veterinarians
  • 3-month day-by-day calendar of fun or inspiring holidays. Pick some to celebrate, and add zest to your homeschool!


  • Mary Pride explains why mandated distance learning slows kids down
  • Attorney Antony Kolenc unpacks the issue of privacy in the home as it applies to homeschoolers
  • Emily Redman shares what we can learn from “older preschoolers”
  • Melissa Morgan with what’s good and bad about Common Core math, and how alternative methods work better for many things
  • Melissa Williamson shares how to add excitement and variety to your homeschool with digital skills
  • Many colleges use the Common Application for incoming students. College-prep expert Dr. Kuni Beasley helps us fill it out
  • Janice Campbell has a remedy for when you hit those cold spots in your homeschool


  • College Board is changing their SAT lineup again. Dr. Beasley outlines how this might affect your college preparation strategy


  • Find out what’s new in homeschool curriculum, from two dozen award-winning companies


  • Contests for subscribers with awesome prizes!
  • Ads with special offers

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