What's in Practical Homeschooling #104?
- The smart (phone) way to curriculum shop
- Your vote is needed for the 2012 i-Learn Awards!
- When frugal is illegal: We help you avoid the "Copyright Trap"
- "What I Learned from Our Daughter's Wedding"
- In the Moodle: See how two online schools use the same system to provide two entirely different styles of education
- A day in the life of an "only" homeschooler
- This homeschooler is 12... and she wrote a book!
- NEW! Dr. Kuni Beasley explains how to save a BUNDLE and get your college degree in half the time
- Felice Gerwitz leads you to bargain sources for what you need to get your business up and running.
- Melissa Morgan knows 20 ways to socialize your preschooler.
- Don Aslett, the world's #1 cleaning and time-management expert, helps you and your kids avoid two major life pitfalls.
- PHS publisher (and mother of nine homeschool graduates) Mary Pride reveals (1) how to tell if your child is an introvert and (2) how to make your homeschool introvert-friendly
- If your child earns a Congressional Medal, that is HUGE on a college application. Diane Lockman explains exactly how to do it.
- Best-selling science author Janice VanCleave has fun experiments that demonstrate how things fly.
- Education expert and historian Sam Blumenfeld offers more tips on how to become a published writer.
- Veteran homeschool mom Anne Wegener with some surprising thoughts on peer pressure.
- New source of free textbooks
- In the future, could you "test out" of part of your college courses? One state university is giving it a shot.
- Why your teen should get a meaningful high-school internship
- Surprising benefit of 4-H membership
- For men in particular, a certificate might beat a college degree
- ACT wants every school in your state to start tracking kids towards a career... starting in kindergarten!
- New free information source for education researchers
- Two more good reasons to homeschool
- Notebooking series for Apologia's Young Explorers series
- Collection of book-based unit studies
- Art instruction made beautiful - a homeschool classic!
- Help for labeled children
- Latin in the Christian Trivium
- Two books (by different publishers) that help prepare your child for success in high-school and college chemistry
- Contests for subscribers with awesome prizes!
- Envelope Gallery of kids' art
- Ads with special offers
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