- Big Screen Homeschooling: how to get the most out of educational DVDs and videos, plus an interview with Dr. Ted Baehr of the Christian Film and Television Commission and another with Chris Wyatt, president of the world's largest educational DVD rental company
- Civil Air Patrol Wants YOU!: Magda Pride shows and tells what the "best kept secret" in volunteer organizations for teens (age 12 and up) can do for your homeschool.
- A Day at Our House: diaries from a homeschool student in Texas and a Colorado ranch family
- How do homeschool graduates turn out? The facts are in! By Chris Klicka, Senior Counsel for Home School Legal Defense Association
- Why journaling may NOT be an effective way to teach creative writing. By Dave Marks of the National Writing Institute.
- Discover learning readiness resources in your junk box. By retired kindergarten teacher and author June Oberlander
- How to teach social studies, practically for free. By Melissa Morgan, co-author of Homeschooling on a Shoestring
- Forgotten American History: the Puritan education system. By education expert Sam Blumenfeld
- Add a new dimension to your unit studies with field trips. By unit-studies and co-op pioneer Jessica Hulcy, co-author of the KONOS Curriculum
- How to mentor others in "winning ways." By homeschooler Kristin Hamerski, Miss Alaska National Teen-Ager 2004
- Learn what "frequency" and "fluency" mean, and how to use them to make your homeschooling more effective. By Michael Maloney, founder of the Quinte Learning Centers in Canada and winner of the Canada Post National Educator Literacy Award.
- Remarkable tales of homeschool graduates, by homeschool graduate (and HSLDA legal assistant) Michael Reitz.
- If you thought geography was boring, take a look at this choice selection of hands-on curriculum and resources
- A video program that teaches Algebra 1 and 2
- Books and videos on how to become "media-wise"
- A comprehensive guide to over 1,000 movies, divided into curriculum categories
- The science behind movie-making
- A book that uses Frankenstein and Jekyll and Hyde to teach worldview discernment
- A guide to some of the best websites for homeschoolers on the Internet
- A book that helps you pick the best college major
- A book on why not to overuse computers in your education program, and . . .
- A book on how only the use of "computers as tutors" can save public education
- Jeff Myers' new "Secrets of Great Communicators" video course
- Nova: Exploring Space Field Trip
- A video program from a different publisher that teaches pre-algebra
- Learn to jump rope with the "Zorro" of rope-jumping
- Kent Hovind's "topical" video/DVD series of character and Christian training
- Contests for subscribers
- Envelope Gallery of homeschooled kids' art
- "Show & Tell" showcase of homeschool kids' success: Oklahoma Science Bowl champion team, Wichita Warriors win the B.E.S.T. award in national competition, winner of library "LEGO" contest.
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