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What's in Practical Homeschooling #81?


  • The eagerly awaiting 2008 Practical Homeschooling Reader Awards. Which 205 educational curricula and products were voted the best by your fellow homeschoolers?
  • What does it take to win our Cover Photo contest? Find out by viewing the entries that *almost
  • won -- with our comments about what could have been done to make each a winner.
  • A young homeschool family from Massachusetts and a homeschooled girl from Washington state both share their homeschool days
  • Sisters with perfect SAT essays -- at age 13. Two young teen sisters who serve as legislative pages. A Youth of the Year. And they're all homeschooled!


  • Where are those helicopter parents coming from... and why middle-class kids are suddenly getting upper-class-style backup.
  • Homeschool author Joyce McPherson know how to make reading a party. Learn from her how to start and run a Mother-Daughter Book Club (with reading suggestions!)
  • Chores! How to teach your children to love them, by Melissa Morgan, co-author of Homeschooling on a Shoestring
  • Canada's National Educator Literacy Award winner Michael Maloney explains how geography affects history, and how this makes both subjects instantly 100 percent more interesting
  • M.I.T. graduate (and Ph.D. mathematics candidate) Bill Pride explains what math majors really do -- and outlines a high school course that SHOULD be taught, but never is
  • Education expert Sam Blumenfeld gives his reasons why every homeschooled child should learn public speaking
  • Tired of people asking if homeschooling prepares kids for the "real world"? Then you'll want to read homeschool author and speaker Shelley Noonan's interview with her son, a homeschool grad and Peace Corps member.
  • Jeannette Webb, recipient of the Presidential Scholar Distinguished Teacher Award and expert at getting kids into top colleges, lays out how to plan a successful freshman year of high school... at home


  • Patrick Henry College's amazing new building opportunity
  • How much do American and Brit teens know about history? Shocking!
  • An ingredient you never want to see in your baby care items
  • Surprising facts about hearing loss in children


  • A new reader series from a major publisher
  • Two award-winning Latin curricula for young children


  • An adorable, easy to use, Christian preschool program
  • Learn graphic design at home with this excellent book just for homeschoolers
  • A book that helps you teach your children manners
  • Looking for service projects for your kids? Try this book!
  • A book of projects to turn daughters into Proverbs 31 women
  • Life lessons in competence, for kids
  • Teach your kids embroidery with this book
  • A "science museum in a book"
  • For the REALLY reluctant young mathematician... tempt him with baseball statistics -- specifically, fantasy baseball


  • Contests for subscribers
  • Readers' opinions on important subjects
  • Ads with special offers


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