What's in the Current Issue of Practical Homeschooling?
- What hours, days, and types of work are legal for homeschooled teens, ages 13-14, 15-16, and 17?
- Some job ideas for teens you likely haven’t considered (but that really work!)
- Nominate your favorite homeschool curricula, and maybe win a fantastic prize!
- You’re already homeschooling . . . and you’ve just had a baby. Now what?
- It’s an indispensable tool for English language study, it’s part of a solid classical (or prep-school) education, and it might be FREE at your library!
- National Novel Writing Month is November. Here’s how to get your child ready to actually write a book!
- Can’t afford music lessons with an actual teacher? Here are some alternatives that worked for this family band.
- “How we homeschool” diary from a Florida family whose homescholed daughter has sensory processing disorder and high-functioning autism. How do they do it?
- Bess Wuertz shows & tells how to teach Montessori math at home (including how to use the various apparatuses)
- Michele Lee reviews 10 apps, concentrating mostly on vocabulary apps this time
- Melissa Morgan helps you tame your tot, with great tips about how to teach social skills to the very young. This time she tackles tantrums, “bad words,” and messmaking.
- From best-selling author Janice VanCleave: science facts & activities about the “Iron Age”
- College-prep expert Dr. Kuni Beasley reveals his year-by-year “Grand Strategy” for getting your teen ready for college admissions (AND scholarships!)
- Anne Wegener shares her revelation that homeschooling is more than a “job”
- Today’s teens don’t know tech as much as they think
- Free course for middle schoolers about “hungry pests”
- Ironies of the current teacher shortage
- Two sets of supplements that can add spice to your history and geography studies
- Yes, Virginia, you and the kids can learn biblical Hebrew . . . with this course!
- What one professor thinks about the state of American homeschooling
- Award-winning book has tips on how to raise boys into young men
- Famous author introduces the history of science
- Cool games teach math and music
- Contests for subscribers with awesome prizes!
- Envelope Gallery of kids’ art
- Ads with special offers
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