What's in Practical Homeschooling #70?
- An inside report on the first ever Homeschool Special Needs Conference
- How five homeschooled siblings managed to put out a debut CD that was #1 on the Classical Music chart
- Meet the 16-year-old homeschooler who just won the Siemens Westinghouse Competition - arguably the most important math/science/technology competition for high schoolers in the world
- Home Ed expert Regina Hogsten gives tips for taming your "stuff"
- Ever wonder what it would be like to model professionally? Beauty and skinniness are NOT always required!
- "Day at Our House" diary from a busy Indiana family.
- Why it's never too soon to start thinking about college and career, by PHS publisher Mary Pride.
- Home School Legal Defense Association Senior Counsel Chris Klicka takes you "behind the scenes" of how the rules have changed for homeschoolers who wish to enlist in the military.
- Homeschool success story Austin Webb has a perfect 1600 score on the SAT and was named the top all-around National Merit Scholar, among too many other achievements to list. You better believe he has some GREAT tips on preparing for those all-important pre-college tests!
- M.I.T. graduate Bill Pride explains exactly what states and colleges require for high-school science.
- The joys of early reading with "Tot Lit." By Melissa Morgan, co-author of Homeschooling on a Shoestring.
- Education expert Sam Blumenfeld reveals the amazing legacy of the Declaration of Independence.
- Teaching critical reading and reasoning - can there be rules for this? Yes, and here they are. From Canada Post Literacy Educator of the Year Michael Maloney.
- Jennifer Thieme shares seven home management tips that can make a new homeschooler's life easier.
- Baptists to exit public schools?
- How to find out exactly how much YOUR state is spending on education, and how it's changed since 2000.
- Dangerous characters in your neighborhood? Check it out online . . . for free.
- The school "suicide game" fad. One more reason to keep them home . . .
- 4-H alert: USDA wants to force you to implant a microchip in each animal and fill out paperwork each time you move them anywhere . . . say to a fair. There's still time to fight this, so read the article.
- Remember how we were skeptical about the "public school test scores rising" hoopla? Find out how entire STATES are cheating to prop up their scores.
- Local control of schools? Find out what school board members and administrators really think about who is running their schools.
- Before you assume every career that makes money requires you to spend your life behind a desk, take a look at THIS career prep curriculum!
- Evolution? Creation? Here's a curriculum with answers.
- "Treasure boxes" full of science activities and materials - enough to supplement a good chunk of your K-8 curriculum.
- Contests for subscribers
- Envelope Gallery of homeschooled kids' art
- Ads with special offers
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