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Nevada to Require Homeschool ID? Bad Idea! (September 29, 2004)

Chris Klicka, Senior Counsel of Home School Legal Defense Association, wrote us on September 20:

"In the name of stopping kidnapping of children between ex-spouses and catching illegal immigrants, the Nevada State Board of Education is discussing adopting a homeschool parent I.D. policy statewide.

"Such mandatory proof of parental identification for homeschool parents is constitutionally suspect and unnecessary. It reminds us of the failed attempt 6 years ago to adopt a national I.D. card for similar reasons. HSLDA weighed in heavily to lobby against that bill in Congress, helping it to be soundly defeated.

"We hope to stop Nevada from establishing the offensive proposed practice of requiring parents to prove their identity to the state in order to home school their own children!"

As Chris rightly states, we need to "nip this in bud" before it spreads to other states--especially the southern border states.

You can read Chris's memo on the constitutional problems with the Nevada ID here.

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