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World-famous homeschool advocate Chris Klicka has gone to his heavenly reward.

Chris suffered for many years with Multiple Sclerosis. Despite his increasingly debilitating illness, this devoted husband and father of seven homeschooled children maintained an impressive work schedule as Senior Counsel and speaker for Homeschool Legal Defense Association, as well as authoring several notable homeschool books.

While attempting to attend the National Homeschool Conference in Colorado Springs, CO, Chris had to be admitted to the hospital. After it became clear his condition was terminal, he was admitted to hospice, where he passed away on the afternoon of Monday, October 12.

You can see the record of Chris's final days here.

Chris valiantly struggled for years, doggedly fighting the onslaught of MS via careful diet, exercise, and trying a number of therapies. Now his battle is over. Thank you to all of you who have been praying for him.

For many years, Chris was a columnist for our magazine, Practical Homeschooling. If you are not familiar with Chris's work, you can go here to see 25 of the articles he wrote for Practical Homeschooling.

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