Dr. Laura supports Dr. Dobson: "Take your kids out of public schools"
(Fresno, Calif., April 13, 2002) --- When Dr. James
Dobson, of Focus on the Family, urged California
parents to withdraw their children from the state's
public schools, the Alliance for the Separation of
School and State was a grateful benefactor. Dr.
Dobson's broadcast, heard by 200 million people
daily in over 100 countries, sparked latent
interest among concerned parents seeking an end to
government-controlled schooling.
New signers of the Alliance's Internet-based
"Proclamation for the Separation of School and
State" increased from an average of five per day to
over 100 per day in the week following Dobson's
bold comments on his radio broadcast on March 28
when he said: "In the state of California, if I had
a child there, I wouldn't put the youngster in a
public school.... I think it's time to get our kids
out. And I 'm going to get hit for [saying] that."
When Dr. Laura said on her April 9 broadcast, "I
stand with Dr. James Dobson: Take your kids out of
public schools," she went even beyond Dr. Dobson,
who had limited his comments to California. On the
same day, popular Christian talk show host Marlon
Maddoux also gave his support to Dr. Dobson.
"Our mission is to re-establish parental control of
education by reducing or eliminating the government
control which has led to propaganda masquerading as
education," said Alliance president Marshall Fritz.
Evangelical Protestant Reverend E. Ray Moore,
founder of ExodusMandate.org, and longtime
supporter of the Alliance, reacted to Dobson's
remarks by saying, "This could be one of the most
important broadcasts Dr. Dobson has ever made. I
know people are writing him from around the country
urging him to sound the warning that public schools
are dangerous to the faith and morals of Christian
children in their states, too, maybe almost as bad
as California."
The Alliance for the Separation of School and
State was founded in 1994 by parents, educators,
and others to inform people how education can be
improved by removing politics from education. The
Alliance crosses nearly all political and religious
boundaries. Members and supporters believe that
politics and education don't mix and wish to
liberate K-12 schools from state, local, and
federal government control.
The Proclamation's signers include Tom Monaghan,
founder of Domino's Pizza; Prof. Thomas Szasz,
author of "The Myth of Mental Illness;" 1991 New
York State Teacher of the Year, John Taylor Gatto;
home school leader Mary Pride; Cato Institute
President Edward Crane; Conservative Caucus founder
Howard Phillips; Minority Leader of the Colorado
State Senate, John K. Andrews, Jr.; and religious
leaders Dr. D. James Kennedy, Dr. Tim LaHaye, Brig
Gen T.C. Pinckney, USAF ret., 2nd VP of the
Southern Baptist Convention, Rabbi Daniel Lapin,
and the late Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.
The Proclamation can be signed via the Internet at
www.sepschool.org. More information, including a
complete list of proclamation signers, can be found
at that website. Or contact Marshall Fritz,
Alliance for the Separation of School & State, 4546
E Ashlan #3282, Fresno, CA 93726; or telephone
(559) 292-1776.