Is it too late?

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Is it too late?

Postby tryanuther1 » Thu Mar 05, 2020 1:59 pm

Hi All-

I am new to this board and stumbled upon it while I was searching for alternative solutions and intervention for my 13 yr old, 8th grade son. He is currently in public (has always been since preschool) and let's just say Jr. High has been the WORST! he has always had problems keeping up with the class in elementary but by 5th grade it had gotten better. In 2nd grade he was diagnosed with ADD and treated with Adderall the first few yrs (which was hell because he was a different person, always lethargic/tired/red eyes) so he was on and off of it. then when he started Jr. High he was switched to concerta which helped get rid of the tiredness however in my opinion did NOTHING for his concentration and in turn, grades. They only got worse. Several times throughout school, we have tried the afterschool homework club, tutoring, taken away computer/gaming, taken away phone....

For past 2 yrs his father and I have been going back and forth about homeschooling him as an alternative. I have my list of pro's and he has all con's. At this point Ive had it. Our son is very bright, super smart (much like his father...just being honest, he knows something about everything) loves technology, science and has a huge interest in traveling to Japan. However, since 7th grade he has struggled with grades and this yr is his last yr of Jr. High and we are already getting threatened with "Retention" Its the last 3 months of school.

I've always felt that he needed a change of pace, surroundings and an overall different structure of schooling. I strongly believe that homeschooling would benefit him at this point but im not sure if Its too late being that there are only 3 months of school left? I feel like Im trying to save/rescue him from completely failing the 8th grade. Is that even a possibility at this point?

Are there even any homeschool programs that take late entrances?

And yes, it is still a battle with my husband but I would like to gather as much support, and a more clear picture of what homeschooling would look like at this point before I tackle it again with him.

I should probably add that, his father and I both work full time jobs outside of home, I work a normal 8am-5pm job and his father works overnight (leaves evening, gets home next morning in time to take kids to school while i commute to work).
We also have 2 other sons, 2 yrs and 6 yrs old.

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Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 2:43 pm

Re: Is it too late?

Postby admin » Thu Mar 12, 2020 11:57 pm

First, unless you are looking for an online "syncronous" program (meaning kids actually attend classes in real time), every other one of the 1000s of homeschool curriculum options is available to you any time of year.

Second, you don't need the government to pay for homeschool. The available government-paid options are among the least favored and most family-unfriendly, and also are not the most academically sound.

You can put together your own program, based around your son's interests. He can take online classes in Japanese and coding, for example, from Udemy and other inexpensive places. He can do core curriculum via (only $14-$20 a month). He can read whatever he wants from the public library, do Maker workshops (if any are in your area), join a local homeschool robotics team, etc., etc.

For basic "how to get started" info, go to There you can also find your state homeschool group and local group.

I hope this helps!

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