Im New!

Having problems figuring out where to start? Let other homeschoolers offer you some advice!

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terri trudell
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Im New!

Postby terri trudell » Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:50 pm

Hi! I am new to homeschooling and any help would be great! I have a 10 and 13 yr old, any sugestions on wear to start?
God Bless!

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Postby Theodore » Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:45 pm

10 and 13 is old enough for them to mostly self-study, the only difficult part is figuring out which of the many homeschool curriculums is best for them. I suggest visiting a local homeschool group, and when possible, attending a homeschool convention - it will give you the chance to see a variety of curriculums and probably choose something that will work well for you.

How good are they at reading, writing, and math?

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Postby hscoach » Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:16 pm

The first thing you need to do is make sure you meet the legal requirements for your state. (you may have already done so) You can read about the laws for your state at this link. -

Then you might want to choose a homeschooling method and a curriculum. Here are some places to read reviews of curriculums. -

If you want to join a homeschool support group, your kids can make friends with other homeschoolers their age. Here are two links where you can find a group in your area. -

It's good to connect with other homeschoolers, especially when you are new to everything. You can make friends with other moms and ask questions, etc. Hope this helps.

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