Hulett Hall Academy's Day

Describe your average homeschool day and give new homeschoolers an idea of what to expect!

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Hulett Hall Academy's Day

Postby sghulett » Tue Oct 17, 2006 2:04 pm

I am a mother of three (17, 9, and 6). I homeschool they younger 2. My day starts at 7am (mst) and I get my oldest daughter off to highschool. At 7:15 I wake the younger 2 and start breakfast, while they get dressed and make their beds. They eat while I shower and dress. We start our school day at 8. We start with prayer and songs of praise. At 8:15 we start our Language Arts and while the kids are working on spelling, reading and workbooks I will make my bed and then start a load of laundry then do the breakfast dishes and run the dish washer if needed. I will start supper in the crockpot and a loaf of bread (yes fresh bread daily). I then will help my son with his dictation.

When the kids finish with LA they will then move on to Math (Scott Forsman for 3rd and computer math for K). We usually will start our math meeting around 9am Math usually will take us 20-30 minutes and then my son will do his independent worksheets.We complete our math session at 9:45 and then put our morning books away and the kids will have 10-15 minutes to have free time.

After their free time the kids will do any chores they need to do around the house. My son does his SOS science on the compter while I read to my daughter until 11:45 when we clean up, wash up and start lunch. Lunch is from noon to 1pm and that is when I will finishe my bread baking, cleaning chores and such, and then we will move into History/Gography.

We finish our school day at 2pm and the rest of the day is their time to have playing games or seeing other HSing friends.

From 2 - 4:30 I finish laundry and will set the table for supper and complete any little chores I need to do.

Gretchen in Wyoming

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