Reluctant Readers

Are you homeschool a special needs child? Are you personally physically challenged? Here is the place to share your questions, tips, and experiences.

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Reluctant Readers

Postby Kimberly » Sat May 05, 2007 2:59 pm

Three of my children are reluctant readers. (My oldest loves to read and my youngest has not learned how to read yet.) They will read what is required of them in school but nothing else.

All three struggled in learning how to read. Two of them are slowly but surely learning. The other one really struggles with reading. He has dyslexia and some other learning disabilities.

I did everything "right" to give them a love for reading. I waited until they were older (seven or eight) to begin teaching them. I read wonderful literture to them on a daily basis (which they love). I did not pressure or push them when teaching them how to read. Yet they still do not have the love for reading that I had hoped they would have.

I can understand why my son with learning disabilities would not enjoy reading...he has to work so hard at it....but the other two have me have me puzzled and concerned. Any advice or input would be appreciated.
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Postby Theodore » Sat May 05, 2007 5:54 pm

My youngest two sisters showed no real interest in learning how to read until they were at least 8 or so, but then they gradually learned and now are both avid readers with above-average reading skills. My advice is to keep doing what you're doing - read stories they enjoy out loud to them - and give them access to whatever genres they enjoy best. Once they do learn to read, it won't take long for them to catch up to where they should be.

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Postby Kimberly » Sat May 05, 2007 7:26 pm

Wife of my best friend (for 20 years) and Homeschooling Mom to three boys (ages 15, 11 and 9) and two girls (ages 8 and 6).

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Postby Sunnymom » Sat Jul 07, 2007 4:05 pm

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Postby Lily » Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:55 pm

I put interesting books in the bathroom and car. What kid isn't going to pick up a title called Don't Read This Book! or look at a volume opened to a story entitled The 49lb Baby Chick? If it is in the living room, it's ignored. Put in a place where there's very few other options.....they get read. :lol:
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Postby momo3boys » Sat Jul 07, 2007 8:28 pm

I had an amazing experience with my oldest. Reading was reluctant it was torture. He was at least two grade levels behind. (from 3rd to 1st) Then all of a sudden he decided he was ready and now he's jumped a full reading level in about a week! I couldn't believe it. I still find it hard to believe. Now he gets up in the morning and reads before he even had breakfast or gets dressed. I guess I just had to be patient. :? My advice is to keep the options open, but give him time and don't push.
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reluctant readers

Postby zozomom » Mon Jul 09, 2007 9:10 am

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Re: Reluctant Readers

Postby Ramona » Fri Jul 13, 2007 11:45 am

My first two kids learned easily and young and my third was different. She learned to read at a "usual" age, but never seemed to have much comprehension or enjoy it. At the beginning of 3rd grade she started telling me she had learned nothing in either 1st or 2nd, could remember nothing. Somewhere in about 4th or 5th we discovered she had had a vision problem all her life--strabismus--and after several months of daily vision therapy at home with weekly visits to a therapist, she could suddenly see--and visualize--and comprehend--and enjoy reading!

You may want to have your child's vision examined.


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