Advertising products or services is prohibited, except:

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Moderator: Theodore

Posts: 747
Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 2:43 pm

Advertising products or services is prohibited, except:

Postby admin » Thu Dec 15, 2005 12:36 pm

Advertising products or services is not allowed in most areas of our forum. You may include a web site link in your signature (see Profile), or if you post a short summary as well, link to a page on your site that answers a specific question, but any posts advertising commercial products or services may be edited or removed at our discretion, and repeated advertisements may result in removal from the forum and banishment of your email address and IP. The only exception is our new area Local Events, Services, Commercial Products, where you can feel free to post anything you want as long as it remotely relates to homeschooling or homeschoolers in some way.

Linking to free resources on non-commercial sites is both approved and encouraged, however, as is supplying opinions on curriculum you've used. Just don't post blurbs for your own products, services, or web site. If linking, make sure that the page you link to answers a specific question, and that you provide as much information is possible in the body of your post - don't just create a new thread to link to your site, or link to your homepage and leave people to find the info they need.

Please help keep the forum enjoyable and useful for all!

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