What is happening to parental rights?

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What is happening to parental rights?

Postby seekingmyLord » Thu Jul 05, 2007 4:52 pm

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Postby Theodore » Fri Jul 06, 2007 8:59 am

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Postby iamnettie » Fri Jul 06, 2007 1:13 pm

That is just creepy

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Postby Mark » Sat Jul 07, 2007 2:11 am

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Postby seekingmyLord » Sat Jul 07, 2007 4:24 am

Yep! Even if I had no other reason to homeschool--and I have plenty of them! :wink: --I would NEVER knowingly give up my parental rights over my child for even one minute of any given day.

It is too much like being a divorced parent being allowed visitation and financial responsibility, but not really having full custody. :(

People don't realize how much they give up in exchange for the privilege of going to public school--and I used that term tongue in cheek. With compulsory laws in place requiring children be enrolled or asking approval from the government to be allowed an exemption, as we have in most of the states for homeschooling, we basically are non-custodial parents.

As I said, I understand the need for it on some levels, but now that the courts are upholding the state's interest over the parental rights in just of few outrageous cases peppered across the US, I think we are seeing just the tip of the iceberg.

Although this forum is called "homeschool vs. public school," beneath its short and sweet title is "upholding the right to exercise educational choice vs. daily surrendering parental right to government schools." I mean, we can debate each of the surface issues about homeschooling vs. public schooling and never really touch this one fundamental difference that is at the heart of all those little issues.

I know that some people feel that public school is a choice, but that just is not technically true according to how the laws are written. Public school is required by compulsory law. The only choices we have are exceptions to that law that are provided by law--laws can and do change. Homeschooling may be considered a "right" on the national level, but on the state level it is not just a modified right, it is a "privilege," even in states with deceivingly little regulation. If you have to report to the state at all regarding homeschooling, then your "parental right" of choice is not a right, it is a privilege that the state can take from you and guess where the child will go then?

Real "rights" have been and continue to be lost through government schools and people don't even realize it. BUT, the worse part is, most don't even care because they are getting a service provided from the government--the government that educated them to think that way.

As I watch different "experiments" with homeschoolers taking advantage of the privilege to use public school facilities all over our country, I cringe. I really do think we should have access to these facilities, but not with the laws as currently written. I understand short term benefits, but I don't think these parents are looking at the long term risks it causes for homeschooling and they probably do not even notice how they also are surrendering their parental rights to the same degree as any other parent of a fully enrolled public school student.
Last edited by seekingmyLord on Sat Jul 07, 2007 4:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby seekingmyLord » Sat Jul 07, 2007 4:42 am

Oops! :o I hit the wrong button. :oops:

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