free online education

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free online education

Postby dwood » Sat Nov 12, 2011 8:26 pm

i have created a petition to the whitehouse but i need 150 signatures before it is even visible to the public. read the petition and if you like the idea please sign. would certainly help home schooling imo.

i know, i dont like clicking on unknown websites either but they say this is the only way to reach the petition.

thank you.

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Postby Theodore » Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:57 am

This potentially moves control over what is taught one step further away from the taxpayer - from the state to the federal level. It doesn't help anyone, least of all us.

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one additional choice

Postby dwood » Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:52 am

i do not expect the online training to override all other education access. i mean for it to allow those who otherwise could not afford access to learn.

in the specific case of homeschool, there must be times for teaching math or english when it would save money and time to have a standard format.

in any case, since i have only 6 sigs and need 150 before the public can see it. and since i then need 25000 sigs before the feds look at it... i dont think any of us have to worry how it would come out.

thanks for your comment though, it gives me some idea how others view things.

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