homeschooling, england

If you are homeschooling outside the US, or doing a lot of moving between military bases, share your stories, questions, and tips here!

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homeschooling, england

Postby schoolymum » Thu Jan 19, 2006 12:55 pm

cant seem to find much in the way of info and spport,i want to know where I stand legally.



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The legalities of homeschooling in England:

Postby Theodore » Thu Jan 19, 2006 3:02 pm

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Postby schoolymum » Fri Jan 20, 2006 1:24 am

thankyou kindly,that helps lots.


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Postby Sharon » Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:28 am

I home school in england too.

Feel free to chat with me.

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oh hi

Postby schoolymum » Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:35 am

ah thats great,well hi there.I am in hull,where are u? :D :D

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Postby Sharon » Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:09 pm

I am in Bridlington, so not far from you, my mum lives just off Anlaby Road in Hull.



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Postby schoolymum » Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:30 pm

that isnt far at all!!:)I lived in bridlington as a teen,went to brid upper!

tell me all about your homeschooling,how is it going?
do you have much support there?I feel a little isolated with it here being honest,but thats ok.

finn just turned 5,he is doing realy realy well,i realy am so proud of him.

looking forward to hearing from you again :)
do you come to see your mum alott?



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Postby Sharon » Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:39 pm

I am seeing my mum tonight, I have been cooking her meals all day, so I need to take them to her.

My daughter is 7, I have only been homeschooling her a month, so far I have had no help here at all round here. I have found more help off the internet, and other forums.

I don't know any other homeschoolers round here, your the closest I know now.

How come it says censored after your name.

Speak soon.




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Postby schoolymum » Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:07 pm

oh it does say censored after my name,wow wonder what typing error i did there..LOL :shock:

me and finn are realy enjoying homeschooling,even though it can often be hard by ourselves,it realy is so very rewarding.I love it. :D

there is a ladyu homeschooling in hornsea,and us,thats all i know of!mad isnt it!


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Postby Sharon » Wed Nov 08, 2006 4:12 pm

I found people in other parts of the country that I talk to on my website, but it is so hard to find people closer to home, you can actually study with etc.

Shekara is loving being at home, she was being badly bullied at school, and the school would not listen to anything we had to say, so I took her out. She has learnt so much better since being at home, we only do a couple of hours a day, and she has regular toy breaks inbetween, which helps her brain take it in more.

Her maths has improved loads, she was having a lot of trouble with that.



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Postby schoolymum » Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:58 am

goodmorning sharon,how are you all today?

I am so sorry to hear about the bullying,that had to be so hard to go through,thats one aspect about school I despise the most,the lack of protection is crazy.

shekara,beautiful name,is she alott more settled now she is homeschooled?

It was a big decision with finn,as others his age started school this year.though he seems more than happy about it.we do alott of aqctivities here that scholls dont do,we start the morning with martial arts,he always feels better for getting his body moving first thing.we have writing/reaeding and we have started learning the time a few weeks ago.he is realy enjoying that.I try to get a feel for teaching him things when I feel he is ready,this way he just absorbs it so easy,something that a school cannot possibly do.theres nothing personal about school,they are all expected to learn the same thing at the same time and get the same grades,and realy the young ages they are starting exsaminations and getting a huge amount of homework realy is insane here.

are you registered with education otherwise?

I wish you all the best,we have a lovely sunny day here.say hi to the sea for me...he he he



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Postby Sharon » Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:53 am


We are all ok, thanks, how are you doing.

Shekara loves being at home, the education dept have been trying to get me to put her in another school, and that really upset her, she wants to stay at home.

I am still not sure if I am teaching her all the right things or not, homeschooling doesnt exactly come with an instruction book.

I have not joined education otherwise yet, but I will be. I have joined a lot of other places. I found a really good online learning thing - it is £30 a year, and is full of alsorts of different things. She loves it.

Do you get people looking down their nose at you when you say finn is homeschooled - its amazing how narrow minded people are.

It is a nice day today, I might take them down to the beach if its not too windy, Alyssa loves the sand, as most toddlers do :lol: I will say Hi to it for you :lol:

Speak to you soon.




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Postby Miyu » Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:27 am


I just wanted to say that you are absolutely doing the right thing, and don't let anyone pressure you into putting your daughter in another school.

I was bullied from Kindergarten thru 8th grade. I wish there was homeschooling back then. My parents put me in a small Christian High School for 9th - 12th grades...that helped tremendously, but though I wasn't actively bullied, I was still disliked. This has had life-long reprocussions in my life. I have struggled with depression, panic and anxiety disorder, self-injury, and total lack of social skills.

I have done some research, and found that people who experienced long-term trauma as children such as abuse or severe bullying have abnormal responses to stress as adults. The brain releases too much of a certain chemical. So, when normal, everyday stressers happen, a person reacts as if a serious crisis is happening. Spilling the milk produces a response more appropriate to getting in a car accident.

This describes exactly how I reacted to situations...I tried to cope as best I could, but in the end, I needed medication...and now I live a calm, quiet, happy life. :)

Anyhow...I really applaud you for doing what you are doing and making a stand for what is best for your daughter.


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Postby Sharon » Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:38 am

Aww thanks for that Miyu.

I was bullied all though my schooling, which is the main reason I decided to take her out, I refuse to let my children go through what I did.

I am standing my ground with the education dept, and I am going to do what I think is best for my child. And at the moment being safe at home, is best for her.



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hey sharon

Postby schoolymum » Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:20 am

you are doing the right thing, though I can relate to you, there are days when i wonder if I am teaching/doing the right thing, but I know deep down I am.
I too was bullied, I can totally relate on that level too.

reactions to finn being homeschooled, well, people do ask when we are out why is he not at school, I then tell them he is homeschooled, the older people funnily enough agree with what i am doing.we were in beverly chatting with some teachers from bridlington, one of them was sad that we felt homeschooling was our only choice.

my friend who came today understands why im homeschooling, though she made a few remarks about that if he wasnt bullied, he wouldnt be prepared for the ''real''world, i simply ignore such statements.

so yes,reactions are interesting arent they!


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