Why I took my daughter out of public school

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Janet Tatman
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Postby Janet Tatman » Thu Jun 08, 2006 12:12 pm

Janet T.

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Postby mjrgmom » Thu Jun 08, 2006 12:16 pm


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Re: The Other Side

Postby hbmom36 » Thu Jun 08, 2006 2:05 pm

[quote="jacquekr"]I wouldn't say that I was a school "bully" but I was definitely on the other side of teasing. I look back at the time I spent in school and feel horrible because of my constant teasing and making fun of other kids.

So coming from the “otherâ€

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Postby Theodore » Thu Jun 08, 2006 4:02 pm

mjrgmom: See my reply to your other post about religious exemptions.

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Not just public schools...

Postby Becky13 » Tue Aug 08, 2006 8:54 pm

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Postby Rinata » Fri Sep 22, 2006 12:12 am

My reason for pulling my daughter out of public school is a little different. My daughter has always made friends fairly easy. When she hit middle school it was the same. She made friends with ease. My daughter has always been a high acheiver. She had always been on the honor roll and always loved school. Every summer she couldn't wait until school started again. We moved her to different schools trying to find one that could challenge her. We finally moved her to a prep school for middle school. Sixth grade was ok, she liked it and said it definetly challenged her. When summer came around she couldn't wait for 7th grade to start. In 7th grade she started having problems with a girl who supposedly was her best friend. Once 7th grade started the girl no longer liked her. My daughter seemed troubled but eventually put it behind her. Then during the summer between 7th and 8th she wanted to go to summer school just so she wouldn't be bored and also in our district if you have perfect attendance you get a gift certificate for $150. Summer school would turn out to be my worst mistake, it would take a few months before I would realize it though. At summer school my daughter met a girl one grade below her who was a practicing wicca. She was also into cutting. Unbeknown to me a child that one of the families in our church got custody of was also very involved in cutting. Between these two girls my daughter was convinced that cutting would help her to deal with the mounting frustrations at school. The school being a prep school gave out a lot of homework, 4 - 5 hours a night was not uncommon. My daughter was feeling that school was the only life she had. The work wasn't hard she just got tired of doing it. So when she was frustrated she would cut. The first time she did it, it was small and discreet. I figured it was just a passing facination and wouldn't happen again. Little did I know. When I finally found out that the problem had not gone away and to what extent she was doing this I was shocked and scared. I prayed for my daughter and began to spend more time with her. She had become a rather difficult child to live with. She angered easily and argued all the time with me and her dad. Finally one day she was sitting there and just began to cry when I asked her what was wrong she told me to leave her alone. I told her I was there when she was ready to talk. A few minutes later she really burst out crying and said "mom I can't do this any longer, its gotten to big for me and I need help". That was the start of her recovery. She told me she was so glad to have finally told someone. A couple of days later she asked to be homeschooled. My husband and I immediately agreed to it. Her grades by this time were F's. We restarted the 8th grade 3 weeks before Christmas and finished by the end of June. My daughter no longer needs to cut to deal with things. She is like a totally different child. She likes to spend time with me and we are once again very close to one another. She doesn't argue hardly ever anymore and if she does she always apologizes for it. She is doing great in school and hopes to one day marry a preacher and evangalize using her knowledge in the Spanish language. She figures someday she may meet a young person who is cutting to deal with things and she will be able to help them. She once told me she had a dream several months after she left her old school and it was that I was called to the school because there was some concern about her behavior. When they called her down from class, when she walked in she was dressed all in black and had black finger nail polish on and black eyeliner (she had not left the house that way but had changed when she got to school). She said in the dream that she no longer wanted to be a Christian and had been intiated into the wicca two weeks prior. She told me that she believes that if she had stayed at that school, God was trying to show her what would have become of her. Also during her bad time she always wore a lot of black, almost always all black. She dresses much different now she never wears all black anymore and if she wears a black skirt she always wears bright color tops. I had to finally get over the fact that I made the mistake of putting her into public shool to begin with in third grade. If I had it to do all over again.
Birth daughter, C, 14yo, 9th grade.
Foster son, E, 2 months.

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Postby an_angels_mom » Tue Nov 14, 2006 1:15 pm

Renata, wow! What an ordeal to go through. I had a friend who had a daughter who cut herself on forarms and the inside of her legs. We tried to tell her that she needed counciling...(mom was a councilor herself) but she thought she could handle it on her own. She wasn't even willing to aske God for help. It got so bad that they ended up institutionalizing her for a period of time. I will be praying for you and your family in my daily devotions.

I just joined this board today and was looking through and thought I would share why I have decided to pull my 9 year old daughter out of public school. Kelsey like you daughter has always gotten good grades. She is bored with school also. Everyone brags on her about getting A's in EVERY subject and her reply is what do you expect they don't teach me anything I don't already know...LOL She was in the 3rd grade last year and testing in 4 of the 5 core subjects at a 6th grade level. This year she is in the 4th grade and still testing at the same levels...so my question at parent teacher conference was "What did she learn in the 3rd grade?". She is reading on a 6th grade level, but yet they insist on encouraging her to read books on a 4th-5th grade level. Why? I don't know. They didn't have an answer for me. All they could tell me is that if they gave her special treatment that the other kids would fall behind.

Now I understand that statement but in the same sense, Kelsey is not being challenged. Then came the 4 weeks of evolution in Science class. Every night we would spend time in Genesis undoing what they had done for the day. The didn't call it evolution but they talked about animals evolving into other animals (i.e. a bird to a fish) during that time. My husband told her to ask her teacher if humans evolved from apes, why there were still apes in the world. When somethign evolves it changes the old part doesn't stay around. I didn't want someone to teach my child that didn't care about whether she was being challenged or not. Who didn't care whether she was smarter or not. It was like they were telling her to slow down and not do so good.......let the other kids catch up. In their mission statement they talk about a commitment to academic excellence. I don't see it.

I like the initial post on this thread in Dec. at Christmas break will be pulling my daughter out of school and starting HS in Jan. She is so excited about it. Everyday is a challenge to get her to go to school. She has lots of friends and does well there but she just doesn't like going because she is bored. She would quit now if I let her. The reason we are waiting is for me to get organized. I have curriculum on order and hopefully it will all arrive in enough time for me to study up and get more organized.

I am so glad your daughter is doing well. Kelsey, like your daughter wants to marry a preacher. My husband is a preacher (well he will have his license soon but he already preaches at several area churches. He is currently in the course of study to become a licensed minister in the Methodist faith, to be completed by June 2007).

God bless and keep up the good work of loving your daughter better than anyone else here on earth could ever love her.

Mother to 13 children, Wife to an extraordinary husband, Richard, and a believer in Jesus Christ as my personal savior. I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

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public schools

Postby littlequail » Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:20 pm

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Re: Thank you!

Postby Corasmom » Tue Dec 19, 2006 2:45 am

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Postby mochasmom72 » Tue Dec 19, 2006 8:37 am

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Postby Jenlynn4673 » Tue Dec 19, 2006 9:57 am

Mom to 2 boys
7 and 8
Officially Homeschooling Jan 2007!

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Postby kyonkers » Wed Dec 27, 2006 10:26 am

That happen with my niece, it's almost similar with the stories told here. She was acting shy at school, didn't want to talk to anybody, didn't want to participate in any activity. While at home she is the most active girl who likes to be listened. The same at the soccer club, the drawing classes and with her church and neighborhood friends. She is very social when we got out, she even talks with the cashier at the grocery store. She was being bullied by the other kids, she has a very soft personality. Well, eventually we knew that she would figure out how to get along with the rest of the kids but was it worth? That means that she had to change in order to fit in that environment. Her parents decided to take her out from public schools. She is doing very well now.

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Postby Joylane » Fri Jan 05, 2007 9:49 pm

Hi! I am new here and have spent the past few hours just taking all the posts in...good and bad. I have homeschooled my two daughters (8 & 6) for the past year. Trust me, my reasoning for coming to homeschool goes along the lines of alot written here. It would take me a book to write down everything that my 8yo went through that brought us to homeschooling. It also brings up some very resentful feelings in me that I really hate rehashing. Perhaps in the future I will go there...just not tonight.

What I would like to point out though is one experience I had that seems to be repeated alot. The fact that the schools when questioned about their wrong doings want to point the finger back to "the home". Seriously. This seems to occur so much that it can not be just meer coincidence. Is it in the training manual for a teacher or something? Reverse psychology perhaps? If so, then this seriously needs to be stopped. A parent should NEVER be made to feel inadequate for having concern for their child. This is so wrong and seeing that it happens over and over is down right disturbing.

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Postby Jally » Sat Jan 06, 2007 9:02 pm


I am new here too but not new to homeschooling. I've been homeschooling for 5 years, but decided to place our ds back into school last year. Our son has Asperger Syndrome/PDD-NOS but we didn't know that he had this before I started homeschooling. So issue after issue was brought up by the school and we just had had enough of it. Ds was horribly abused by both the teacher and the students so we decided that I couldn't do any worse by hsing. However, I had a moment of panic last summer and that is why we placed him back into school. I guess the anti-homeschoolers got into my head LOL

Our ds disappeared in front of our eyes and the school said that there wasn't anything wrong with him that getting away from me wouldn't fix. When they said that, I made up my mind that he wouldn't be back next year.

Anyway, ds is doing wonderfully. We have our moments, but he is my happy boy again with no stress and lots of smiles.

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Why I don't like PS

Postby Theresa&kids » Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:52 pm

Theresa Bridges mother of Victoria(7) Justin(2)

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