Don't know what's going on...

Everything from basic math up through high school!

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Don't know what's going on...

Postby Denbox00 » Tue Nov 08, 2022 10:01 am

I've tried Books with bite sized math, manipulatives, websites like xtramath and khan. He will get 7+8 wrong, they will tell him the answer, then he’ll get it wrong again. And again. Sometimes it seems like he’s struggling and sometimes it seems like he’s screwing around. Frustrating.

One thing I noticed is when he counts with his fingers (which he usually doesn't do), he'll count both numbers- so 8+7, he'll count eight, then count seven, and forget what he was doing somewhere along the line. I tell him to start with a number, and start counting from there, and you'd think I was asking him to split a hydrogen atom. I know he's smart, so I'm having a hard time deciding what part of his problem is mischievousness, and which part is a lack of number sense.

So any advice would be appreciated. Therapy and medicine is held in abeyance.

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Re: Don't know what's going on...

Postby elliemaejune » Tue Nov 08, 2022 11:11 pm

It would help if we knew how old he is. :-)
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Re: Don't know what's going on...

Postby Denbox00 » Wed Nov 09, 2022 5:58 am

Sorry about that. He's seven.

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Re: Don't know what's going on...

Postby elliemaejune » Fri Nov 25, 2022 9:58 am

Well, it's hard to know without actually spending time with him myself. :-) But it could be that he's young, and that you just haven't found the right methodology for his little brain. :-)

I would put away all of the Official Math Stuff until way after Christmas. Help him learn to count recognize numerals to at least 100, and to skip-count by 2s and 5s and maybe 3s and 4s--whatever he can handle. If you have manipulatives such as Cuisenaire rods, let him play with those--don't try to teach anything, just let him play. And if you can do board games, do those which use dice; just play the game, don't make it a point of showing him math-y things about the dice or counting or anything, just let those things happen naturally.

Here is the link to a series of articles about teaching arithmetic to young children (the links for the other two articles are at the end of the first one). Just read it for information's sake. There are ideas for what to teach young children, and you don't even need a math book. :-)
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Re: Don't know what's going on...

Postby Gina_Newman » Thu Mar 30, 2023 4:30 am

It sounds like your child may be struggling with number sense, which can be a common issue for some children. It's important to keep in mind that every child learns at their own pace and in their own way, so it may take some time and effort to find the right approach that works for your child.

One approach that may help is to focus on building a strong foundation in basic math concepts. This could include working on counting, number recognition, and simple addition and subtraction problems. There are many resources available online, such as interactive games and activities, that can help make learning these concepts more engaging and fun.

Another approach is to incorporate manipulatives into your child's learning. Manipulatives can help children visualize math concepts and make abstract ideas more concrete. For example, you could use counting blocks or number rods to help your child understand the concept of addition and subtraction.

It's also important to make sure that your child is engaged and motivated to learn. Try to find ways to make math fun and relevant to their interests. For example, if your child enjoys sports, you could use sports statistics to teach math concepts. Perhaps doing something else can be a solution. At school, I liked literature more than math. And this is not a problem. And if you need specialist help here, too, here you can find everything you need and save your time.

If you're still struggling to help your child with their math skills, it may be helpful to seek the advice of a professional, such as a math tutor or educational therapist. They can provide personalized support and guidance tailored to your child's specific needs.

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Re: Don't know what's going on...

Postby aracelymarvin » Thu Apr 27, 2023 3:33 am

I think maybe the method is different for each person and for him too, he is smart so he will need a special method to receive this knowledge.

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Re: Don't know what's going on...

Postby brendag » Sat Dec 02, 2023 9:37 am

I can imagine how challenging it must be to see your child struggle with math. It's great that you're actively seeking ways to support him. The difficulty in counting and remembering numbers might indeed require a tailored approach. Exploring different methods like visual aids, games, and real-world applications sounds promising. Additionally, considering professional guidance from an educational psychologist or learning specialist could offer valuable insights. On a separate note, if you have personal interests or concerns related to cosmetic procedures, like buying Botox botulinum at, consulting with a healthcare professional is essential for personalized advice. If you choose to explore such options, ensure that any product is sourced from reputable and trustworthy sources. Best of luck on both fronts!

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Re: Don't know what's going on...

Postby otis » Tue Dec 05, 2023 3:36 am

Recognize that each child learns at their own pace. Be patient, understanding, and avoid putting excessive pressure on your child. Frustration can sometimes hinder the learning process.

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Re: Don't know what's going on...

Postby robertdowney » Tue Feb 06, 2024 3:14 am

I'm not an experienced gamer or have any special skills but I find it really easy to tackle these games. I can know how it works after just a few minutes trying the game. io games are absolutely the game genre for everyone

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