Homeschool string orchestra program

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Homeschool string orchestra program

Postby ncmom » Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:27 pm

I am just trying to get some feedback...

I am considering starting a small beginning orchestra for homeschooled children. I personally play violin, viola and am currently working on getting a cello. I have played in some sort of orchestra from age 7 until 3 yrs ago when I moved to NC. It would be for any age that was a beginner and played a stringed instrument. I live in Eastern NC where there is no string program that I know of.

If you lived in this area would this be something you would be interested in?

There would be no competition or auditions it is strictly for children to play together as that is a good learning tool when starting an instrument.

Please if you have any feedback about this idea, good or bad. I am always open to suggestions. If you live in NC and want to know if you would be able to join in on this I would be serving the counties of Nash, Edgecombe, Wilson, and Halifax. If you live further out than these counties but still would be interested feel free to let me know. We would primarily meet in Edgecombe county. Like I said I don't have all my plans ironed out I am just looking for feedback and if anyone would be interested.

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Postby Mark » Mon Oct 08, 2007 8:32 pm

three little words
Move to Texas..


seriously though, it is a good idea if you have time to pull it together. :)

do yourself and the kids a favor though, and don't let it be boring.

We put our little girl in a strings program out here when she went to play
We're now selling the cello.


At least she still plays violin and piano. :)

Put the word out amongst your local homeschool groups so they know,
since most homeschoolers, out here anyway, don't really have a group
to play with.


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Postby ncmom » Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:28 pm

Thank you for your feedback. I am sorry to hear that your daughter is selling her cello. I plan on making it as fun as possible. I know that learning a stringed instrument can be hard and can be discouraging if you don't have someone who is enthusiastic about teaching it. I was lucky and had awesome teachers when I was in school. I have tried getting the word out through the local HS groups where I am and even went to the private schools who let me send letters home with their students offering lessons and an orchestra experience. No luck yet. The pure lack of someplace to play I think discourages people from signing up. I can see where they are coming from I guess. If there is no place to play then why learn?!? I love to play and play at home. My daughter loves it when I play the Disney songs so she can dance and sing along. My son loves it when I fiddle. I am going to keep advertising around town. Hopefully I will get some interested folks soon.

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Postby Mark » Fri Oct 12, 2007 5:03 am

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Postby ncmom » Tue Oct 16, 2007 11:24 am

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Postby Mark » Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:28 am

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Postby Ramona » Fri Oct 19, 2007 12:21 pm

I didn't reply earlier because I'm not anywhere near your area.

I play and teach strings and other instruments, so I wouldn't sign my kids up with another teacher if I saw an ad for lessons.

However, I'm always interested in orchestras, and whenever I see anything promotional about one, esp if it says it caters to homeschoolers, I look into it.

Some reasons why I have not signed my kids up for various orchestras in the past have been:

--We are doing something unusual this year, like traveling overseas, moving, or having a new baby.
--The rehearsal and/or performance schedule conflicts with our family calendar.
--We can't afford the tuition this year.
--We just signed up for something else and I don't have energy for yet another thing.
--The info is sketchy and I don't know where/when it is or how much it will cost.
--I don't have any kids who are at the target ages/skill levels this year.
--It's farther than I will be able to go consistently. I don't want to be one of those families that only shows up sometimes.


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Postby artesianmusicstudio » Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:16 pm

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