Homeschool groups

Preschool readiness skills (birth to age 5) and the common developmental concerns of young children.

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Homeschool groups

Postby Denyse » Fri Aug 24, 2007 12:16 am

:D Are there any homeschool groups that include preschoolers? My daughter is 3. I am going to start homeschooling this year. She is so interested in letters and reading. I believe she is ready to begin homeschooling. Please feel free to give me your advice for beginners like me! Thanks so much!!

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Postby Theodore » Fri Aug 24, 2007 2:09 am

There are homeschool groups for all sorts of different age ranges. For instance, from our California groups page (look for the word preschool):

Considering Homeschooling Ministry - Morningstar Educational Network
A Christian ministry helping parents with babies, toddlers, preschoolers and with older children discover the blessings of a biblical home education. Free DVD and brochure, mentors and meetings.

Orange County Exploring Homeschooling
A chapter of the national Exploring Homeschooling. Our organization offers weekly field trips, classes, nursing home ministry, park days, entrepreneur club, and other fellowship opportunities, mainly for the parents of babies, toddlers and preschoolers who are looking into Biblical homeschooling. We also have veteran homeschoolers share at our monthly meetings.

Sierra Nevada Homeschoolers Group
Our group is welcome to any homeschool family from El Dorado County and Sacramento County (or outlying areas) that wants to network with others. Meeting weekly at different locations along the 50 corridor, our group can help enrich your homeschooling experience. We have members of every age range from preschool to high school, and meet for social activities, small group classes, family field trips, and exchange of ideas and educational support.

gardening momma
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Postby gardening momma » Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:58 am

If you know any other homeschooling families, you might want to ask them about homeschooling groups/co-ops. The co-op that we're going to start going to this fall doesn't have an internet presence, and is just advertised by word-of-mouth.

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Re: Homeschool groups

Postby Ramona » Fri Aug 24, 2007 1:10 pm

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Postby StellarStory » Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:20 pm

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Postby mommyto2girls » Mon Oct 29, 2007 7:57 pm

My daughter is also 3, and I just got in touch with the lady who kind of heads up the co-op in our small town. They have a character study coop that includes preschoolers. She said lots of times the three year olds get sent outside with older kids to play, but that is really just as important as anything.

I am going to take my daughter so she can enjoy being with the group and start makin some homeschool friends. Most of the people we go to church with do not homeschool, and DD is very into friends, so I want to be able to say "we are going to do school like sally..."

I also must admit I want to start my own circle of homeschool friends to call when we "officially" start in August!

So, ask some homeschool friends that you know and find out about a coop or support group that may have preschool playgroups.

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