anyone start hs really late?

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anyone start hs really late?

Postby faiths13 » Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:07 pm

my older children are 9, 11 and dss is 14. i also have a 2 yr old an 3 month old. i have always wanted to hs, but circumstances have always prevented me from doing so. i have looked into a charter school near here that is supposed to be really good. im not sure if its too late to really try to do hsing for my older kids. my 11 year old will be going into jr high and my dss into high school. im not even sure if the two oldest want to hs. i have no idea how to make a cirriculum, make sure they learn what they need to know, or even what you need to know in those grades. also, i worry they wont have social interactions. they wont go out and seek out friends around us or play with neighborhood kids, but do have friends at school. i am still learning to balance a 3 month old and high energy 2 year old, so i dont get out much, and im not sure about getting them to groups to meet others. my 9 year old is very bright and gets straight a's, and i dont want to dumb him down because i dont know what im doing. i am horrible at math and cant even help them with math homework most of the time. my 11 year old is very emotional and unfocused and is scared to go to jr high because he hears stories about getting beat up and put in trash cans. i worry that starting hs so late could cause them probs with being social too. i see benefits to hs, but i always imagined it mostly for elementry. so i guess i just really could use some guidance and advice with moms with more experience. thanks.

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Postby Mkat » Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:23 pm

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Postby Theodore » Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:20 am

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