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new to forum and already got a question

Postby Flyerman » Wed Mar 03, 2010 9:57 pm

i've been thinking about homeschooling my daughters for a long time, and now i'm making a concerted effort into it. the biggest concern i have is if there may be somewhere to get financial assistance for this.has anyone received assistance? if so, from where and approximately how much. our situation is my wife and i both work, and i'm looking to stop working and be a stay at home dad. any help with this specific area will greatly be appreciated. thank you.

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Postby Theodore » Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:01 pm

Homeschooling is fairly low-cost unless you buy one of the more expensive packaged curriculums. Maybe a few hundred dollars per child per year. No, there isn't financial assistance available, however - if you're looking for the state to cover expenses and supply you with materials, that would be more in the area of charter schools than homeschooling per se.

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