Can we do it financially?

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Can we do it financially?

Postby Dramagal12 » Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:08 am

I am new to homeschooling, but there is no doubt in my mind that this is right decision for my family. However, I wonder if we can do it financially. I work now and am desperately looking for a way to come home from work. I have tried everything I can think of to rework our budget and I can't find a way that I can just quit work. I am willing to work from home but am weary of the "work from home" offers out there. Is there anyone else who was in this same situation? How did you manage to come home from work? Please help! :cry:

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Postby Linda » Thu Jul 06, 2006 3:58 pm


I totally understand your situation. Here are some things to consider.

For starters figure out how much it costs for you to work and for your kids to go to school. You know more clothes are required and there are probably more meals eaten away from home. And at school it seems like every time you turn around they need more money for something else. And how about after school care? How much would you be saving if you came home from work and the kids came home from school?

Another approach would be to work opposite hours of your husband. Would that be possible? Then you could both share in the home schooling part.

I know of one working home school mom who's daughter goes to a small family day care and she does most of her assignments there.

As for working at home opportunities, yes, you do have to be careful. I know of one which is very real, but takes hard work, persistance, and dedication to get it going. If you are interested go to to see what you think.

I hope this helps!

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Postby Dramagal12 » Fri Jul 07, 2006 8:53 am

Thanks for the information, Linda. I will try to WAHM-IT program and see how it works. Unfortunately, I have substracted all the expenses that we incur while I work and it is still not feasable for me to come home from work (our family owns a daycare and child care is free). That being said, I will try to find a way to work from home, but it is a daunting task. If anyone else has any personal experiences about how they did it, I need all the encouragement I can get. Thanks!

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Postby MeganWiles » Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:19 pm

My mom sent me a link to an article discussing how little money a second income brings in when you start considering child care, commute, food costs and other related household expense. I can't seem to find the article, but if I do I will send it your way, but here is a link to a "second income calculator" that shows you how much money you are really pocketing. ... k/main.asp

Also, for additional income, I know some people who get paid to write articles and things from home for a site called elance. Don't know much about it, but you could look into it.

Good luck!

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