Looking for beta testers/feedback for mobile record-keeping app

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Looking for beta testers/feedback for mobile record-keeping app

Postby habib » Sun Sep 30, 2018 4:41 pm

Hi everyone,

I'm a software developer and entrepreneur, and after talking to some homeschoolers, I discovered that there is a dearth of mobile record-keeping options for homeschoolers. I've decided to take this on, so I've been working closely with those same homeschoolers to come up with the right solution, with their feedback shaping it every step of the way.

I'm close to starting building the app, and after showing the mockups to them, they seem very excited. Now, I want to talk to more homeschoolers to see if there is a wider demand for something like this before I spend 3 months or more building something that not many people want, and then to beta test and give feedback to shape the product.

You can sign up at attendhq.com.

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