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teen church group gossip issues

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 12:37 pm
by sartasd
I have been dealing with a teen youth group issue that I thought was over and done with months ago. I would like your advice about what to do with a group of moms are who still upset and mad at one of our leaders for calling attention to a small group what was using cell phone texting to gossip about other teens, once mom cut off the other by changing her son's number (which made the girls mad) and then also saying something about what they were doing that led to the leader calling upon the issue of gossip and now the moms of these girls (the mom's don't even attend this church) telling the pastor they their daughters won't go to the youth events as long as "that leader" is still a "leader"

It is a mess and it is spilling over into the church and it just seems that these moms need to just get over it and move on. The leader is having to say sorry for speaking the truth about gossiping and about their behavior as unchristian. I don't think this leader has anything that needs forgiveness except that some people have been offended and that is the only thing this leader needs to address.

I'm just a parent who happens to like the leaders and say they had to do something and often times those guilty of whatever it is are usually the ones who get mad the most.

I even think that these kids and moms should just go elsewhere or just cool off and forget it.