Research Study - Children and Affirmations

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Research Study - Children and Affirmations

Postby PinkLady » Sun Apr 10, 2022 5:20 am

I am finishing my master's in education, and my research project is on the effect that affirmations have on a child's self-esteem.

This is not just for homeschoolers, but it was inspired by the many homeschool students that I have worked with who were either:

1. very critical of themselves to the point of not being willing to engage with anything related to learning


2. they were being homeschooled because they faced so much criticism in school that it really harmed their self-esteem.

Therefore, I would like to explore if students can help themselves by learning how to affirm their own worth. That is the subject of my project.

If you know of any parents of children ages 5-12 who would be interested in participating, I would appreciate it if you could direct them to this page.

The data collection period ends April 29, 2022.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you



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