
The arts are sometimes overlooked, but they're a valuable part of culture and history.

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Postby jerryailily » Sun Apr 28, 2013 3:47 am

Among all the paintings of Chagall's, Walking is my only love. It offers a template of love, the loving couples are happy to fly as long as they are together. In the small town that Chagall was exiled to, the scene that he and his beloved wife walks everyday. Everyone detested him at this time, only Bella was there was there for him. Chagall never fell in love with others in his whole life.
Walking was painted after three years since they married. It was their wedding anniversary monument. Chagall created this painting by using the portrait of himself and Bella. At this moment, Chagall was immersed in huge happiness. He stood erectly on the Russian style plain like a giant, raised his arm highly and pulled the floating woman in the air that was his true love. Bella dressed in a rosy dress, looked like a flag of love. This painting is bright, especially the red fabric on the lower left corner, likes burning fire, indicates the flowing passion of Chagall's heart.
The lovers finally get married is his favorite theme and this theme ran through his work and life. Bella was always his muse, the source of his artistic inspiration from met to died. "Her silence, her eyes, everything is mine. She understood the past, present of and even the future. Chagall wrote in his autobiography. "
The sweet love and happy life after marriage brought a miraculous leap for Chagall. Almost all of the paints with his wife represent an intimate and affectionate relationship. Floating with different postures in various scenes are the witnesses of the most perfect couple.

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