Does anyone do this with their curriculum?

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Does anyone do this with their curriculum?

Postby srvhim4life » Tue Feb 20, 2007 4:54 pm

We are transitioning from typical Abeka textbook learning to a more relaxed style like Charlotte Mason. We are on a very tight budget and so my question is, does anyone or has anyone taken the "typical course study list" say for 8th grade and use existing books since 6th grade and 8th grade mimick each other in the areas of interest. For example. 6th grade history involves old world (United states). So does 8th grade. Can one use the old textbook and just expand on it by using things like the internet?

Thank you for your input
Kimberly Little

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Postby milehimom » Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:30 pm

Do you have to use textbooks? If you are on a budget, can you just copy the table of contents from a 6th & 8th grade textbook and use those as a guide for subjects to study? You could use your local library. Most now have a great computer HOLD system so you can search for books on your subject and reserve them.

I purchased a great book for $10 at my local teacher supply store called Alternatives to WOrksheets. There are tons of creative ways kids can 'present' knowledge aquired without just answering questions (like make a travel brochure, write a news article, create a banner or poster advertisement. All you would have to do is let your kids know what things you want them to find out in their reading, then they get creative and make a product to prove to you that they discovered what they should have! This could be easy, cheap, and just structured enough to allow them to get creative and self-motivated. This may be less structure than you want, but it would be MUCH cheaper than buying textbooks and teacher's editions!

Good Luck!
Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.

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Re: Does anyone do this with their curriculum?

Postby Ramona » Wed Mar 14, 2007 7:39 pm

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