In need of change...

Describe your average homeschool day and give new homeschoolers an idea of what to expect!

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In need of change...

Postby lovinffhmusic » Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:00 pm

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Postby hscoach » Wed Mar 23, 2011 2:44 pm

I think you should try to sit down and talk to your mom. Maybe she could help you when you have to work on school assignments that are frustrating. For example, she could do algebra with you or read aloud to you. If she isn't aware of the problems, then she won't know how to help. Also, maybe she would agree to have you tested to find out if you have any learning disabilities. That would be helpful to know for your senior year and college.

Have you considered dual enrollment for your senior year at a local community college? Maybe that would help you.

Or if not, it is really just a matter of far as making sure school work comes first, waking up on time, etc. If you make your mom aware, maybe she could help you stay on task. I really feel like it is her responsibility, as your teacher, to make sure you are accomplishing things when you should and staying on schedule throughout the school year.

Tell yourself that you will go to bed by 9 and then set your alarm for 7. Put your clock across the room so you can't hit the snooze button. But most importantly, please do talk to your mom. She needs to help out.

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A little late....

Postby Momma24 » Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:11 pm

Homeschooling four
with the help of Mom SCHOOL
and staying healthy with Mom FITNESS!

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