Thinking about Sonlight

Discuss the pros and cons of various curriculums, or get help on which to choose!

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Thinking about Sonlight

Postby kkapfe » Wed Oct 18, 2006 1:43 pm

Has anyone here used Sonlight? My daughters are close enough in age that we will be able to do the same core package with Sonlight and just do individual Language Arts and Math (which we are really thinking about Math-U-See). I LOVE the idea of learning through reading books because we are about "workbooked" out for the year. My first grader has practically flown through her 1st grade workbooks already this year but hates doing page after page after page. With Sonlight, I would love to be able to read together in bed when we first wake up and then some more at bed time with some light workbook stuff in the middle of the day. I also looked into A2 because that program is lit. related but I hated the idea of having to print everything out. I'm a library-aholic and really want to build our library. Anyone care to share their experiences with Sonlight?

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Postby robinsegg » Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:11 am

We used Sonlight preK Core! It was great. There were a few selections (Missionary stories) that were too much for my sensitive kids, so I set those aside. There were a couple of others that were poor choices (imo), and we set those aside, too.

There seem to be a couple of selections in each Core that would be too much for my kids (emotionally). We don't use it now, but we enjoyed what we did!
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Thinking about Sonlight

Postby kkapfe » Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:20 am

Since you used Sonlight and now use something else...what is it that you switched to? I'm trying to find a curriculum that I can use for quite a while.

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Postby robinsegg » Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:54 am

This year, we're enjoying a Charlotte Mason Method curriculum called Living Books. You can find it at It's working out fairly well for us. We tried one called Beautiful Feet, but it wasn't a good fit for us, and is mostly a history/lit program. I've also heard Five in a Row is a good lit program. We haven't tried that one, because you read the same book five days in a row to get five different things out of the story. That just wouldn't work well for us.


teacher at home

The Cleft in the Rock Academy

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