Does anyone here use Charlotte Mason method or Living Books?

Discuss the pros and cons of various curriculums, or get help on which to choose!

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Does anyone here use Charlotte Mason method or Living Books?

Postby robinsegg » Mon Aug 14, 2006 4:24 pm

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Postby momo3boys » Fri Aug 18, 2006 5:54 pm

I just read an article about CM and found it very enlightening. It was talking about how it was used for children with special needs. A very good article. It was in The Old SchoolHouse if you are interested.
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I love CM method!

Postby wendi.t.momof4 » Sun Oct 01, 2006 7:34 pm

:D Hi!
I only read "When Children love to Learn" and that was enough to learn the basics of CM. Very simply, I try to either read aloud to my kids or have the older ones read to themselves, then they re-tell or 'narrate' as Charlotte Mason calls it-back to me what they read. My kids are 7-14 and I have 4. Two of my kids are attention deficit and it really helps their reading comprehension. I'm careful to get books I know they will like and go over any difficult vocabulary before I read it. Otherwise, it's a great method. But I do not agree with CM method for teaching kids how to read by sight-I've found phonics works very well. Anyway, it's simple to incorporate into hs and for me, the less stress the better since this is my first year hs all four of my kids! :lol: Have a great day!
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